Holla, Hive community and Chess enthusiasts! This is my second post after being offline from Hive for so long. I just posted some time ago about my first brilliancy in Chess.If you are interested then do go through that post. I'll paste the link below. From not knowing about how the pieces move in Chess till my first brilliancy has been a full of ups and down kind of journey for me. I started playing Chess during the lockdown and all the credit goes to Covid and lockdown that I found a new hobby ;). But this post is about one of those most satisfying moves that one can play in Chess. Oops! Did I just give the hint! Anyways.. I'll just post the picture of my game from Lichess of a 3 minute Blitz match, where it is white to move and let's see whether you get it correct or not!
I would have played, knight to g-5 check, if the black pawn takes this knight on g-5, I bring the queen to g-5, and from here several things can happen because the king is not in check, but if it moves the pawn on F7 it is Mate in two, and if it hides the king on the last row, it would still be mate in 2, bringing the queen back to the last rank and moving the white bishop.
I Guess that would work... xDDDDD
Not bad! Once you play knight g5 and pawn takes knight it is still a forced mate in 6. But after king to h7 do you see a mate in two over here?
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