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RE: G-dog's weekend-engagement week seven: Winners announcement [135 hive in prizes handed out]

in OCD5 years ago

It's going to be a long haul, the Philippine government are dragging their heels and until we see a return of tourism things will stay pretty slow.
The only saving grace at the moment is a few tourists rode out the lock down but there are only so many feet on the ground and that will dry up shortly.
Whatever this is all out of our control so we will have to wait it out and hope for better times to come.


Yeah, such a pain in the ass. We're feeling it here in Australia too...All around the world I guess...And the shit of it is that there is probably a lot more pain to come. We have to stay positive and be grateful for what we have I suppose. Hard at times, but what choice is there?

Yup iv'e seen the numbers are on the up there, also back in Europe as soon as they opened up numbers spiked. I'm at a loss as to how this is going to work itself out, the hopefuls (hope fools maybe) think a vaccine is just around the corner but I think this could go on for years.

I agree...The vac is a ways off, and it will go to essential workers and certain countries before it get's to the masses. We have a long road to travel I'm afraid.


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