The very fact that you have that conversation with your FIL says something serious.
Living the best version of myself includes helping others when and where I can, it's just how I grew up. When Mt. St. Helens blew in 1980 the town I grew up in lost a ton of 'relief money' from the government because nobody waited to see what we should do, we just cleaned that shit up. The Federal emergency wasn't declared until 4 days after and we were about 2/3 done. People just brought trucks and tractors and cleaned it up.
It's just the way the world should be.
I'll say it again. That smallsteps is the cutest kid on the innerwebs. I'll bet Grammy and Grandpa are really happy to see her whenever she comes.
I think this is what community is - doing what is needed together when it is needed. Too often these days, we wait for "someone else" to do the job.
They love her being there and she misses them heaps when they are there for 4 months of the year. They come back and forward to do their washing though. They promised to pick her up from daycare when they are here next - and she will hold them to it.