"Design" doesn't mean designer though, it means that we create our space with intention and if we really know ourselves, we are able to make small adjustments to our homes to improve our our process and therefore, improve our outcomes.
My "design" is strictly accidental. I see something I like and find a place for it. Each item (and there are lots) has a distinct memory affiliated with it.
But, as with all good collections, the sheer volume is daunting. Today's previously scheduled task is to 'make room for' a new printer that will arrive tomorrow. I'll have to box some items, and throw some out while affecting two spaces. Where the current printer sits and where the new one will go. Typically, the movement will breed more movement and I'll go through a change more significant than just moving the printer across the room.
I actually like the 'art'. Possibly because I can see where it might go. I am way better at visualizing than I am actualizing.
It could be the design that works best for you also - surrounded by memories.
I think that this is the point of making those small changes - it has a knock-om effect on many things. Keystone habits doe the same - change a keystone and it puts pressure on all the rest in the arch.
Visionaries get paid more? ;D