The Role of Blockchain in Combating AI Fake Videos

in OCD3 months ago

AI Fake Audio/Video and Blockchain authentication

Development of AI generated audio and video is moving at a fast pace and for casual social media users it is getting harder and harder to distinguish is something fake or real. And technology to make deepfakes will not get any worse with time.

5-6 years ago faking someone's voice was pretty hard. Now an AI model can make a decent fake voice from few minutes of you talking. With enough time (not even that much) the voice can be made almost undistinguishable from the real person they want to copy.

Fully generated video is still behind. But i am sure we will see some really good fully AI generated fake videos in the next few years. With technology accessible to most people who want to invest time into it.

I am pretty sure everyone reading this came across a video of some famous person shilling you a product. Faking audio and lip syncing it to an existing video is now almost common. I seen Joe Rogan trying to sell me everything from shaving razors to workout supplements.

And when you are watching it on a small phone screen, not expecting to be cheated, it could look convincing. And a lot of people are not aware of what AI technology can do at the moment.

How will you know if a clip of Donald Trump talking about something is real or fake in a few years? How will people know it is actually you that made something, or told something?

Joe Rogan and Marc Andreessen touched on the subject of deepfakes. And solution that Marc Andreessen presented was blockchain verification. You will embed a code into the video and write it on a blockchain for authentication. The wallet address that writes that on the blockchain will have to be connected with you.

I heard this several times in the past year or so. But i think i heard it first on one of the Hive podcasts from @blocktrades probably 3 or so years ago. I think he was talking about developing something connected with verification/authentication (proof of truth? :) )

I am not fan of randomly tagging people but it would be interesting to see did i imagine hearing it or is Blocktrades working on something like that.

It would make sense to do it with Hive. Usernames as wallets, blockchain made for storing text with a very low fees. I can't really wrap my head around how exactly would this be implemented but it makes sense that it would be possible with Hive.


Yes, I'm working on software that will allow for verification of identity, among other things.

I don't call it proof-of-truth, because it doesn't guarantee truth on its own, it's just a tool to help (but it should be able to be about 100% correct for relatively simple stuff like identity).

We've been exploring the ideas around it for around two years now I guess, and we just finally started on the software itself. Here's more info on the overall goals of the project:

proof-of-truth was a joke on the proof of work, stake, brain :)

but it is not what i was thinking about.

Knowing nothing about how it could be done, using Hive for verification of authenticity of an video by connecting the video with the publisher (hive account) should be possible. i hate when i know but don't know the terminology, adding a hash? to a video and writing it on the chain to be able to verify that it was published by specific person.

Yes, that kind of thing is doable for sure. I'd just need to know the exact use case and I could make suggestions for how to do it.

One year ago it was not really possible to do videos, now everyone with stable diffusion can make one, even if primitive... Give it few years and it will be realistic enough... A verification would be indeed a good feature to be sure it's real

even now i got few links that people didn't know it is AI generated. in few years it will be interesting.