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RE: Winged Bones

in OCD5 years ago

Yeah, it's like a new weird thing when you first start off making art money. lol But after a while you start to see the value in that. And you'll go through some challenges and such along the way especially as a freelancer. Though I think with Steemit, content creators like us could be finding a potentially great avenue for income just doing drawings we love doing and being able to support each other as more and more people join the platform. X3

And thank you! I'm doing pretty well as well. :3 I've just been busy as usual with drawing on my end. Right now I'm drafting up a surprise that's related to Steemit that I think the community here would absolutely love and could help newbies on the platform.

 5 years ago  

oh that's nice to hear! i will look forward to what you're cooking up, for sure, bleux :D