Pozdrav HIVERI.
Danas sam obisao moju vikendicu u Dumbravi.Dan je bio pravi zimski.Hladan i beo.Svuda se osecao miris svezine i ostrog vazduha jer je temperatura bila -15C.
Dok sam koracao video sam svu moc prirode.Sve je zaledjeno bilo i kao da je vreme stalo.Nista se nije culo.Obidjoh i moj pcelinjak.I on je spavao zimski san.Jako ga volim i jedva cekam prolece da se priroda probudi i da sve ozeleni.Pcelice moje su takodje mirne i ne izlecu.Kada je napolju temperatura ispod 10c one ne izlecu iz svojih toplih kosnica.Zato jer bi uginule cim bi izasle.To su jako pametni insekti koji hrane ljude tako sto oprasuju razne bilje i cvetove u prirodi.
Nadam se da sam Vam malo docarao predeo Vrsackih Planina.UZIVAJTE.
Today I visited my cottage in Dumbrava. The day was a real winter. Cold and white. The smell of freshness and sharp air was felt everywhere because the temperature was -15C.
As I walked I saw all the power of nature. Everything was frozen and as if time had stopped. Nothing was heard. I also visited my beehive. He also slept a winter dream. I love him very much and I can't wait for spring for nature to wake up and for all green. My bees are also calm and do not cure. When the temperature outside is below 10c they do not cure from their warm hives. Because they would die as soon as they come out. These are very smart insects that feed people by pollinating various plants and flowers nature.
I hope that I have given you a little idea of the landscape of the Vrsac Mountains. ENJOY.
Pozdrav od vašeg Bojana -pčelara
Greetings from your Bojan-beekeeper