Hello everyone, as you already know, I love food unapologetically. I will take you on a walk in my kitchen as I prepare cabbage stew.
This stew is delicious, crunchy, nutritious and healthy.
Let's cook.
You need;
- Cabbage
- Carrots
- Pumpkin leaves
- Onions
- Basil leaves (optional)
- Bell pepper or powdered pepper
- Seasoning and spices
- Meat/Fish (I used cowskin)
- Oil
Wash all your ingredients and boil/fry the meat/fish
Cut your vegetables
Stir-fry veggies for about 5 minutes, add in seasoning and spices
Add the meat/fish and allow to simmer for another 3-5 minutes
Your cabbage stew is ready!
Serve with any meal of your choice or eat alone.
With fried plantain
With plantain and rice
I compressed the recipe into an image for my food class, enjoy and please share pictures when you make yours.
This looks yummy