Slow worm is not a snake!

in OCD5 years ago
It's been a long time since I've seen a slow worm. They have a protected status here in Finland, so I was glad to see one!
A common thing is that these lizards are often mistaken for snakes, but there are a number of features that differentiate them:

- They have small eyes with eyelids that, like other lizards, blink.
- They may also have visible ears.
- Slow worms may shed their tails,as a defence mechanism.

After I shot some photos of this beautiful fellow, I put it immediately back into the woods. Why? Because we have a cat and unfortunately they like to kill them.


Shutter Speed1/800 sec
Focal Length43 mm


Shutter Speed1/800 sec
Focal Length43 mm


Shutter Speed1/60 sec
Focal Length22 mm


Shutter Speed1/640 sec
Focal Length46 mm

My latest photography posts:

Cat Walk

Beautiful Purple Reed

Nature Pictures I've Taken This Summer

Seal chillin' on a rock in the middle of the sea

A Huge Moth Visited Us

Nikon Coolpix P900/Nikkor 83X Wide Optical Zoom 4.3-357mm f/2.8-6.5.
I hope you enjoyed my post! Thanks for stopping by!


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 19 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


They look a lot like the skinks we get here. Without the limbs of course. Oddly enough, geckos don't have eyelids and lick their eyes to keep them clean, which is a very odd sight

Yes they do! :)...What?! I didn't know that! That's weird! :D

Yup. They do it so fast it can't be seen with the human eye but you can catch it on camera if your shutter speed it fast enough

I hate snakes and snake look-a-likes but I have a dead and dried vaskitsa as a decorative piece in my coffee table 😁

Snakes are awesome! They just have a bad reputation. Whaat? Did you kill it yourself?😉

Nice photos! If you didn't tell us it's a slow worm, I would think it's a snake. And I may run away if I face it by myself..... ;)

You don't have to run! Snakes are awesome! ;)

Ah! They may be awesome for you, but they can frighten me every time I see them even in the photos.... ;)