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Its been a rough night. While a lot of people were celebrating the Fourth of July I was and illusion poorer. The fact that a I am curating a music blog by fellow staff member @stayten this morning made me think I should just write about it.
Let me quote him and please go and listen to his music;
I wanna be real with myself and do what (I) love to do - Most of you if not all wouldn't like this Genre (the kind of my music I like to make) so if you don't like it, well... I still wanna be as much (me) as possible (work in progress)
Reality check: I'm not here to please anyone (I do care to help and all that) but that should not impact my own pleasure, so yeah... Rabbit in my head says Hi!
Appeartly Hive needs it.So this blond rabbit says hi on this early Monday morning, and has a bad feeling about what was happening this week online in discord and thanks for people like @fuerza-hispana who investigate and also make sure that thing will change. So again thanks for the watchful eye.
investigate much deeper than we in the terminal do.
Paying it forward is not a bad thing just a time cusuming and not always the greatest task of the day. But when you came onboard the former platform or here on Hive, I bet there were times the you aswell wanted a hand in hive blogging that could make a fog of information needed , a bit more unseestandable. Well with a great staff that’s given in the Terminal and no complaints there. It’s a mission and hopefully it’s appreciated by Hivers! ( let me know if it’s not and/or your opinion ) also I saw many cross the Terminal and now doing very well and being 1 time or even 2 times minnow and some are at 10k already. We all know it’s hard work and old timers please come by to help out with some votes yo redfish in the promoroom or some advice in general chat, it doesn’t come as much of a job just fun and friendly encounters with staff who also helped you. It will be highly appreciated.
Ok back to why this blog and music piece made me do this blog. Some people come in and register under false pretences and/or a “ I want to get rich quick “ state of mind. Fine but that for sure is not gonna cut it here.
Hive is work, an a place that might generate some Hive in the long run but for sure this is not a milk cow. For some reason ( read money reason ) people have the instinct impression that plagiarism, copy paste and lying is the way to go. That nobody will notice that the fact that you have one minute to spare and just do a “blog”. We call that shit blogs ! Not even worth a vote. But than again what I consider a shorty load you might appreciate, but for god sake make sure it’s YOUR shit.
Back to the Terminal, we try to avoid helping people that come in for the wrong reasons and taking up to much time, and just don’t want to read what is available and what is nesseccary to walk the Hive walk. And they read the information that is still reason for asking questions.
This week I had two encounters and I am just gonna leave it here in my Hive diary of Life cause that will remove it from my mind.
Let’s talk about this account not a first timer or new but in need of help apparently because why would you otherwise come to us in discord. Its open to all hivers.
In the screenshot above my downvote is visible. This man was with us and while taking mich time to ask questions and given the correct answers he went along and did a full plagiarism blog. And when we confronted him, because we won’t have that in a process of helping he leaves the server.
This is the blog, as I said there are ways to retrieve it :
When you are on the platform more than a year, like you have been, you know that is not what is done here on Hive, or better that it’s not allowed and the only way to reward this is with a downvote. And I don’t like to use them but when you just lie and walk away like we are morons well the button needs to be pressed!
Now he removed the blog that was published in @ocd community but as we all know that blog can be looked up on the chain. See the link and the way its done above by clickingthe link.
Some last free advice, when all your blogs about the neighbours dog, make 0.00 maybe you need to change your m.o, again just don’t take it and feel free to do what you are doing now and become a huge success.When you make a mistake and don’t show that you can set it straight and listen to advice, in my opinion you give the wrong impression. Show that your learned from it and improve the blog, add and edit. Say you understand and learned. Just removing is like saying it never was there, WRONG ! it’s in the blocks brother. It’s a done deal ! And leaving the discord without even saying thank you, gets you on the “ he is not allowed in anymore” list. Learn #tobeniceandcivilinhivelife
Look at this account and the fact that the reputation is -2
That is due to fraude online. Its sad because also this person was helped, a lot! Time taken from people who have good intentions and paying it forward. And give help, hive and even delegations.
Where to start?
Its difficult when you see someone eager coming in and being engaging. Maybe that should be a red flag and be the sign of an investigation. But again time is always the enemy and I like to be
Helpfull like more of the people member or staff in discord. Helping often gives a good feeling. And when it helps its rewarding and you might have a new friend online.
In these two images you see that vaul play is in action, and that is bad.
We can say a lot , we can investigate a lot and we can do a lot, the fact that all the evidence is against you is bad, and left me wandering why I fell for the fact that I send you some Hive. Thank god that I am a cheap skate and it only was 5 Hive. But the time and effort spend on you is much more valuable to me. It took me away from people that were honest and in need of help and attention. I take that very hard and the fact that it will ruin the next opportunity to someone that is indeed ready to work and new honest is an insult aswell.
For the record you pissed of so many people that you have a reputation -2, have a ban from the community and the terminal Discord and some mutes, and DM blocks. i hope that is to your satisfaction and it will make you wanna re think it and master this job called Hive. Because yes it is an JOB.
Thank you @stayten i loved the song and the fact that
You wanna be real with yourself and do what you love to do - Most of you if not all wouldn't like this Genre (the kind of my music I like to make) so if you don't like it, well... I still wanna be as much (me) as possible (work in progress)
Because I am a work in progress aswell, I welaan every day and in all I see a blog opportunity. The fact that Hive Life is Thriving for me is enough and the fact I make friends is even more important.
So don’t forget me when you win your first Grammy.
Last but not least, and a great thing to end this blog with.
I reached another milestone. Today Gina told me that I got another follower.
That brings my grand total on
I love it and I hope there will be more coming. Sure some of you will say some are dead fishes but he they did take the time to press the follow button for a reason, so thank you all. i will blog on and hopefully successfully help new arrivals that are appreciative.
As for @catword welcome I will share your blog in @heyhaveyamet as soon as possible, you are already in the terminal so we will do our utmost there aswell. I will also return the follow and I will power up 10 Hive for you so your account grows some more.
Have fun on the blockchain of opportunities and have honest fun.
its appreciated and remember always focus on being creative
instead of being bee-zy.
Consistent Actions Create Consistent Results.
Not everyone is a blogger but everyone has something great to offer.
I am a proud member off the #theTerminal #lifestylelounge #needleworkmonday and #ladiesofhive and #amazingnature .
Co founder for @theterminal, @heyhaveyamet and
(c) All images and photographs, unless otherwise specified, are created and owned by me. @brittandjosie originals. Sources used : Pixabay and Pexels and with others its mentioned in my blog. I only use a canon camera and my iPhone.
I would like to thank you for reading my blog, feel free to leave me any feedback, if not, read you next time.

van harte met de 4000e!!!
but damn what a load of work searching all of those accounts trying to scam and get a quick buck. It is because of people like you who take action for this that eventually we will thrive.
So keep it up girl and thank you for all of your dedication!
Some days I doubt if they think I am a real blond haha but in the blockchain nothing is hidden
Ja zo 4000 echt zo cool
i apologize my mistake and say sorry to all @fuerza-hiapna will watching me in starting i did mistake and i apologize
Its fuerza-hispana ! Maybe the only one who will help restore the reputation and I know you are sorry
I'm ashamed you all helped see what happens now I'll try to do well I'm also a human being I'm sorry to all of you man makes a mistake
I'm ashamed you all helped see what happens now I'll try to do well I'm also a human being I'm sorry to all of you man makes a mistake
@fuerza-hiapna sir please
congrats on the big 4k!!!
i'm glad i could be a part of that, thanks!
i appreciate all your efforts and i'm extremely grateful for the mention and the power up, especially under such a momentous occasion!
here's to 4k more! 💜
4K more well that will take another 3 years but I am for sure up for it
Congrats on 4000, and thank you for helping all newcomers. Don't let a few bad ones detract from the help that you provide to deserving ones!
Some days it’s hard because I believe them and some just have no moral for hive but I am ok thank you
Still in The Hague?
Yes, we won't be going until after Christmas. It will be nice for the girls to finish with the school's Kerstdiner and also to do Sinterklaas before as well. We aren't in a hurry, and Australia is pretty hard to get back into at the moment!
I heard from nurseanne that its been hard indeed and that the infections are rising. Did you get vaccinated?
Halfway, I got my first Pfizer a couple of weeks ago... You?
Thought i let you know the second one i got yesterday and it was a good one but tired and the arm hurts really bad thats all, i am so glad ui have them both now.
I’m sorry, but I’m a little confused... what’s wrong with a blog about a neighbor’s dog?
That might be interesting, too!
Hello mrs. Bartolomee it sure would be but not if its the 4th blog about the dog, and when you see 0.00 is the result on all of them wouldnt you think that all the free advice given to him might be worthy trying.
Also when you read all about what i have been writing about this and the fraude you would totally agree!
Or did you blog about a thing 5 times the same, lame and short blog or do you make work from your blogs here ?
I hope to read your comment
Unfortunately, I’m very new to Hive. And I still don’t understand much...
Personally, I try to write my posts from the heart, not short.
I have no plagiarism at all! I write everything myself.
I just didn’t understand at first why you couldn’t blog about your neighbor’s dog...
Although I do not have a dog))
I just wrote about snails))
Hahahah thank god, no when some blog doesnt work, maybe change the way its written, make it longer , make it more interesting. You never know what people like.
The fact that you blog from the hart is the best way to go
When you are in need of answers and free help just join discord, its free and the fact that we have staff that been here may moons and some even 4 years is very helpful.
I will now visit the snails
Thanks fro coming by I really appreciate it , and the fact you asked is great , this is also very important for engagement on the hive
thank you!
And I totally agree with your stance on fraud and plagiarism!
Tbh.....i sometimes had to just make a comment and give a little upvote when i should have hit the downvote button. Living a healthy hive lifestyle is very important.
I think with more people trooping in, we all have to take the time to be very cautious and when you suspect a fraud then it is.
You did the best you can as human. He needs to do his own part by righting his wrongs for a better future in the blockchain.
Congrats on your 4k followers. I think that's like a million dollar dream for me lol😆
$PIZZA@brittandjosie! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @marvinix.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (3/10)
Thats such a nice comment and so true. In my 3,5 years here I have pressed that button less than 10 times because with like to educate aswell. Hell I was new once and did my share of faults in sourcing.
But this is next level fraude and this was the day to do a bad ass blog, and to see many like it maybe I need to do it more often gahahhahah
I will follow you on to 4000😉
BuI think am getting to use the downvote button quite often after reading your post today. I think the next level fraud is on the rise on hive and we all have to be very cautious of how we curate.
Currently on two spammer at the moment
You can check out @kofo and @goodimportance duo on this type of shi*ty scam. We all have to be smart enough to know if something fishy is going on or not.
Thanks for the follow BTW. I'll check out the discord and see how things goes. Time to make new friends i guess
Oh and coco man why not join the terminal discord it’s help for free and a quick ride to 500 hp
@marvinix i left you a message discord and on your POB blog but source or you will not practice what you preach
Done. If you were viewing it on a desktop. All you have to do is click the image to get redirected to the image link on pixabay.
Either ways i have made the necessary changes to the sourcing of the image directly.
Thanks for the correction. It's really appreciated
We don’t want to click an image you need to put the link n the blog with EVERY IMAGE OR VIDEO THAT IS NOT YOURS. Serious do you think that people who watch hive do that if it’s not there it’s not there. It needs to be visible always
Hello how are you, I want to start by telling you that: You already have a new follower, I really liked your post so I follow you,
Ok here I continue, It was a pleasure to be able to read such good content, the fact of finding your post among many that are made in the day is a total miracle
I have in Hive case 4 months or something like that, so I can say that I am a little new in esot
I'm from Venezuela I'm 18 years old, a total baby hahahaha
Here in Venezuela the economic crisis is very, very rude so here I am trying to earn something extra to be able to pay for my studies and personal things,
I know that for sure you are thinking and this that strengthens me haha but it is true that it is related to your topic
In every moment you write I agree with you very much
Since I started looking for information and help, which is a little scarce in the blog, There are few people who post help or advice so that we new ones can better understand the network, But since I did not find good posts that would help me, I chose to Try it little by little Start with subtle publications Asking for help, Little by little I understood more about all HIVE, the blog, communities, norms of each community and other things.
Anyway, the thing is that you are right, a person who was helped at all times would not have to have such a mediocre account and with all due respect I say it,
But look at me, my account according to me is fine, I dedicate time to my content and I love to be a retailer at all times
As I was saying, I came to hive in search of money to pay for my studies, but today, and with little time in the community, I no longer see HIVE as another way to earn money I see it as a community to share, learn , socialize and most importantly make new friends and win the affection of my readers and for the moment I have achieved it so I already go to hive every day not with the hope of making money, not anything like that
I go in to make new friends and learn something new every day,
Well here I finish my super comment hahaha I liked your post and if you have some tips for me I would like to know them so that I can continue in hive greetings and have a nice day, greetings from Venezuela
Dear thank you so much and I have many people following and I follow many people from Venezuela aswell but that is not the most important. Hive is worldwide. The fact that the terminal can help you. It’s a help discord. We try to get the redfish to 500 hp asap. So why not come and join it’s free
Well if it's true, Thanks for everything I'll be more attentive to your post
Good work sorting out the scammers, I'm always more than happy to slap a DownVote on abusers.
Somehow they always seem to come in bundels
Yep, they sometimes come in bunches. Doing things the right way is soooooo.... much easier. It's like taking other people's hard earned Hive.
Hello @brittandjosie. Thanks for writing this post. I was there, so I know what happened and how they took advantage of not only your but the Terminal staff as a whole, good nature and willingness and desire to help.
You've taken many spit in the face from ones who only want to do bad on the blockchain. But still, you continue to help the next one that arrives in the Terminal. It's in your nature to do good.
I can't feel sorry for the those 2 individuals above with not-so-good intentions. Hopefully there are more opposites who want and deserve help that there are the undeserving.
When wrongdoers are left to run rampant, it hurts the entire blockchain. So, your post needed to be published to exposure those that set out to hurt others. We all have to be aware of smiling faces.
I came to the Terminal on the other blockchain. You helped guide me the right way to conduct yourself. I'll never forget it.
Thanks and take care.