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RE: It's Now Official: Coronavirus Took My Job (For Now)

in OCD5 years ago

I’m an Optician, so the Optical department is considered non-essential, and the amount of close contact needed for proper measurements, fittings, & adjustments is deemed unsafe. I’ve been off the past six days, I had a trip planned but cancelled and have just stayed home. The huge rush had already started to ease when I left, as our area had the most early cases and lots of non essential businesses were already shutting and folks were hunkering down. I hear it’s actually quite a bit quieter now, but I’m curious to see for myself tomorrow.


Optician. Okay. I should have figured that since I've bought glasses through Costco before.

re: quieter.

Well, that might be since they started forming lines at our Costco the last few days. Before that, they were still letting everyone into the store as they showed up. My wife was there on Saturday and waited several minutes in line to go in.

I'd like to know what you find when you do go back. :)