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in OCD11 months ago (edited)

Hi, I solve problems in ways that some people think are unique.

Hi, I like long jongs on the beach under a blue-horned moon 37 minutes before the sun rises.

Hi, I want humans who can see this to ACT on what they read…

PURPOSE / Call to Action:

"The purpose of this article is not for you to just read and be entertained or bored. The purpose of this article is for you to ACT and ease the burdens for yourself and others (in your HOA punked / master planned community) that can make your life or others easier via the butterfly effect.

It's like, I am pretty sure I know what to do... on some Biblical engineering stuff. People are so different yet so similar it is like it's easy and hard. Ephesians 6:12 is no joke.


Hi, I am a human, that is usually in the United States. Historically, I have done what I need to do to live “comfortably” in a polymath kind of way; while avoiding the rat race that can be had in many places.

Last year, I did the above by “living off grid” for under $4,000 the whole 2023!

Meanwhile, I keep hearing people talk about their price of food going up and

In 2023, I finished a few long-term projects/ goals and started some more. (I suggest you get some goals too… otherwise be a part of the over 100,000 human years spent daily on unproductive things that don't make anybody's life easier.

The purpose of this series / article is to encourage you to implement these solutions to a plethora of problems. In doing so, I hope to be able to ease the burdens of you, the reader and or anyone that you might hate (but including those that you might hate?)


By revealing Bible friendly solutions that are often overlooked such as cars in Revelation 9.



D: Define The Problem

Consequences of when “the church” is weak / under strong delusion and how it impacts you:

1 Timothy 6:10… The love of money and most things associated with earning or spending it.

WOW Wealth of the wicked, BV taxes

food and food prices - no church gardens like Proverbs 6:6, restaurants waste. Isaiah 65 and 1 Thessalonians 4:11 = the price of SOME food has doubled in 5 years supply and demand.

Neighborhoods - no homes like Isaiah 65 and 1 Thessalonians 4:11= stressed out people doing weird things to follow HOA Laws and growing lawns, not food

Church itself - is a body and like the immune system and society is another body = it is weak church = weak immune system, it trickles down

communication - poor communication, in general, is usually a recipe for weeping and gnashing of teeth might = 30,000 denominations when the church should be on one accord like McDonald's

world - butterfly effect, some people have 80 Billion and ⅔ humans live in poverty some churches have Billions of dollars and not doing billions of dollars worth of loving neighbors and essentials.

jobs - no Biblical guild/ church accountability working or union standards or essential jobs like growing food and building homes and transportation equals unfulfilling dangerous jobs back to the book of Exodus.

housing - churches should probably have the best Biblical example of housing right? Less predatory loans and HOA threats and fines.

transportation - 1.3 million people die annually in car wrecks…those might be Book of Revelation-level numbers.

the authorities - First responders are not crime-free themselves and 2x more likely to die from suicide than in the line of duty + = How do we submit to those authorities like the Bible says, and does it make sense to submit to authorities that don't submit to God?

entertainment - Be careful what we enter from movies to sports and everything in between Maccabees and Hollyweird = maybe some Epstein rumors

Medical - in the Bible and some churches they can heal= If this is accurate, why does medical care cost so much in some places

Military - 800 billion spent and a person can still get robbed anywhere in the country. Veteran suicide rate is 22 per day accordingg to Chef Rush… too much.

funerals - funerals seem to cause a lot more than they have to. Some people spend the most amount of money on people when the people die. What if it is a large waste of money like 50% of marriages ending in divorce.

expensive marriages see above.

crimes than the average absolute power corrupts

The wages of sin is death. Fair wages are important, a wage slave is a thing.Add a. (BS jobs) Image
Education - the less knowledge people have, the easier they are to control/ needy, and the more money can be made off them. Hosea 4:6 and a bunch of other stuff a strong church could fix.
Student loans - see education and earning money from other people’s work
Politics- Poly= many. ticks = TICK.. 🪲 🪳
Executive branch- legislative branch, etc.
Generational suffering
Ecency sign-up process
Etc - anything else that you want to add or need assistance with?

(this list is not in order of importance; but, probably should be let me know if you want to implement anything else on the list ).


Check-in and encourage/ discourage me as I try to provide sustainable solutions to all of these problems and more instead of just complaining with no ACTION!

I: Improve the problem ,

First up let's start with transportation in many american cities… urban sprawl..

Oh wait!

Let's start with 40,000 Americans dying annually in car wrecks and 1.3 million people dying annually in car wrecks and compare that to the number of people who die in war.

War deaths

Are you afraid of wars, yes or no?

Car deaths

Are you afraid of cars, yes or no?

Sustainable Solution #1: “Electric bikes/ small EVS”
Like / follow me for how to make an electric bike. or how to garden or build a home or any other essential Maslow's Hierarchy of needs kind of thing.

Add Click this link for a survey on how to get an elecftric bike and fix some of the transportation woes above.

Stay Tuned… add GIF of electric bike


Is it me or is the sign-up process on hive/ecency as convoluted as some of the other problems mentioned above?


Some things may seem to big to handle but little changes everyone can take would change the system overall. 1, 5, 10 15 people size doesn’t matters its individual actions.

I concur, one problem at a time, one person at a time one seed at a time.

exponential growth is possible, there are 8 billion alleged humans.