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RE: How To Write Amazing Blog Articles?

in OCD5 years ago

I love this post, and thanks to you I have gained the motivation to not post on HIVE regularly (don't worry I never have so nothing new here).

Get back under your bridge you troll. I turned off my 4 potentially-ad blocking plugins. 10/10 you got me good. Sorry that your 5 wive and 1 hungry children (was it the other way around 🤔, I think it was nvm) are going to starve for your inability to use adsense.

I am recommending you for the critically acclaimed "New York times Must-Not-Read" award. LOL I wish, I don't have that sort of authority anywhere. The most authority I have is probably... err... nowhere?

if you really hate writing about it and if it's so boring, you'd rather read personal posts by someone who doesn't mean anything to you.

Oh yeah, I am certainly not a fan of writing. All my "popular" posts are shitty write-ups of potentially-not-bad [Citation Needed] code I have made. Although I have actually made friends here, unlike most platforms where you follow someone bc everyone else is doing it.

I actually thoroughly enjoyed this post, it was a good laugh. I'm probably not going to promote it to any hive newbies though, no offense 😂.

~ CA


Yep, a reminder to not post never hurts.
I can't believe that ad trick actually worked. Next target, Penn and Teller.

5 wive and 1 hungry children (was it the other way around

At this point it's hard to tell the difference; everybody's complaining and disappointed with me.

I did submit my entry to qualify as the Best must-not-read, but they didn't read it.
At least we all still have our posting authority huh.

All my "popular" posts are shitty write-ups of potentially-not-bad [Citation Needed] code I have made.

I tried coding and got this error:

Haven't touched Python since. (If you didn't get this error, I think that's citation enough.)

True, I've found some idiots too who seem to have hit their heads at the same spot as I.

Thanks a lot for taking time, I wouldn't recommend sharing it to newbies either.
Wouldn't want them suckers to outdo us now.

Glad you enjoyed this.

Thanks a lot for taking time, I wouldn't recommend sharing it to newbies either.
Wouldn't want them suckers to outdo us now.

They may take our Posting Rewards, but they'll never take our quality™ blog posts! 😂

Peakd just locked me in mobile mode (on a desktop) and I accedentally posted this 3x! Sorry!

I thought Gina got amnesia. Old woman has been hard at work afterall.