
Hi cahlen,
I think the 3 generic cases describe the whole of it.

One question however,
What is happening in the 1st scenario of trespassing, if the guy trespassing is unable to understand the notice ? (like blind, illiterate, or foreigner not speaking the language at all)

And if I understand well (correct me if I'am wrong) under natural law, when noticing your country you not being a part of their legal fiction anymore.
They have the right to claim anything you owned during that period of enslavement because it was acquire with the legal persona.
They may not do it, mostly because they have other things to do, but it would be a legal move (under natural law).

Because you were part of their group,
The rule of this group is you are a slave, anything you own is just temporary put in your keeping but in the end come back at the master.
By notifying you leaving the group, they could make an inventory, and send you back to the state you entered the group (naked).

The person being trespassed against would ideally gain that type of information before acting.

Technically you can be a slave and sovereign at the same time, like how a cop can be off-duty. They can't really tell what property belongs to what version unless you register it. So everything beyond car and land would be ambiguous.

Indeed, it would applied only to registered belongings.

As for the unnoticeable trespasser, I agree with you, on a practical view.

But do you get the dilemma on a more theoretical view.
To solve this you can only :

  1. Impose that a way must exist between people to communicate.
  2. Wait for acknowledgement of your notice before taking action.

And both are imperfect cause,

  1. I can imagine a nice guy living his peaceful life on his own, but not willing to learn the language of the folks nearby.
    He initiate no harm to anyone, an if he get noticed with something he can't understand, you can't say he willingly trespassed.
  2. Some situations could be life or death, and you can't take the time to ask if he get the warning.

Love your work Mr Techno Wizard. Did a tiny bit of this, but in a warm tropical place.

Love the public notice, as none of the scammers we encounter, have any contract, but are wrong and strong (violent).

Having been robbed in this manner, we set up a campaign / petition to use social media to expose and get some remedy for victims. As we find, in nearly all cases, they claim to have a "COURT ORDER", which never stands up to scrutiny.
The Queen has left us a legacy for sure.untitled.gif

First I would like to give a fundamental definition of natural law. For me natural law i s the law resulting from the nature: the nature of human being, the nature of society, also of the nature of the universe. Natural law is not a separate system of law. It could be explained and understood in different ways. But all systems of positive law have to be based on natural law.

I think, maybe, you are mistaken.

Natural law, is.
You liking it or not,
You understanding it or not,

They are the rules of this world.
human and society has nothing to do with it they are just under its yoke.

Whipm me baby but leave the pink pumps at home.

For me there does not exist a problem of giving or not giving a notice to be a citizen of the Republic of Poland, because it is clear, that I am a citizen of the Republic of Poland. The question is, whether the government of my country acts in accordance with the natural law or not. When it does not act in accordance with the natural law, then I have to do, what I can, in order to lead my government to act in accordance with natural law.

whatever the form it has, will always initiate violence against his people, try to break natural law (or make other do the bad stuff, like police and military) so it can't be change.

The only way for a government to obey natural law would be, recognizing the citizen as free an responsible being and dissolving itself.

So by acknowledging / complying / seeing yourself as being part of this Republic of Poland, you share the blame.