• Yellow is her favorite color but she loves white stuff, especially clothes and shoes. She's a minimalist.
• She loves to write. She journals almost everything that happens in her daily life. She writes to express what she feels.
• She loves to sleep and to eat. But if she is hungry and sleepy at the same time, she will choose to sleep.
• She loves thriller, mystery, horror, psychological, crime, murder, survival kind of movies, documentaries, and TV series.
• She loves to explore abandoned places, like schools, theme parks, hospitals, and so on. But not alone coz she's scared of ghosts.
• She loves to dance.
• She is claustrophobic.
• She loves math!
• She's a risk-taker.
• Skydiving is one on her bucket list.
• She loves to party, but she also loves to stay at home. Lol
• She's allergic to alcohol, chocolates, and antibiotic drugs.
• She loves Maroon 5 songs and she was in love with Adam Levine before he got married to also her "crush" Behati. :D
• She's 5'6 tall
• She has 548 moods.
• She loves dogs and she's scared of cats because of the trauma she got when she was a kid.
• She can't sleep without her 6 pillows, a 14-year-old-blanket, her small rosary, and a fan, no matter how cold her room is.
• She has an amazing boyfriend! :D
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Noted. :)
Thank you for informing me! :)