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RE: How To Get A Great Start on Hive 2

in OCD3 years ago

Glad you got my humor about the 'more than one' last thing, There is also a funny easter egg of humor in my tags as well. I think i know why you appreciate my name... but i will ask anyhow?! Castleberry is actually my real last name. Castel might be the Swiss way of saying Castle if i had to guess.

I'm glad your friends have instructed you with the same consistent message i shared. I do think most people, rather they agree on many things or not, ultimately agree on the fundamentals of how things should operate. You might not need them, but there are many tips in my previous post that i linked at the top of this one here if you want to give it a look.

I noticed you are an artist as well. I like your spontaneous style and your color is really nice too. Alien Art Hive is another alternate art community besides the Sketchbook community you might consider for some of your posts. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read and comment on the post. Cheers


Wow thank you for your suggestion and detailed reply! I defenetley gonna check out this other community.
Ah wow castleberry is a lovely lastname! Ah, interesting interpretation, in german or swiss german castle means "Schloss" or "Burg". But my lastname is italian and castel is an abbreviation of it :).

Many cheers


 3 years ago  

You are most welcome for the response and suggestions. I curate that community, so it would be nice to see you in there from time to time. It's definitely a home for the weird and strange, artistically speaking.

My last name originates from an area of Bavaria before it was Germany. It was Kasselberg originally if i'm not mistaken. Castleberry is an interesting first-generation Americanization before America was America.

I don't know exactly how they came to change it to such as it is now but it's pretty fascinating either way.

Thanks again for stopping by and it's been fun talking with you about this stuff.

😂 Kasselberg to castleberry. I just had a good laugh. But ☝️ I researched Kassel and funnily over a thousand years ago it was called cassel and likely is derived from the latin word castellum which means castle 😂. But how they came from Berg=Mountain to berry??
Thank you as well for the chat and the new gained motivation for drawing more abstract stuff :).

Many cheers!

 3 years ago  

CastleCastle is the name... and berry creation is my game! hahaha
Looking forward to seeing your abstractions! I might have to go make some of my own!
Take Care!