This is a brilliant read! I am sure that it will be massively useful to a lot of people. The is a complete revelation to me, I had no idea it existed... The pie analogy is great too. It took me ages to understand the concept of earning rewards through curating - this post would have sorted me out on that score as well. I also hadn't really appreciated that curation rewards decreased as the post ages. So much good info on here! :)
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Thanks for your kind words and feedback. I wouldn't worry too much about the decrease in rewards for voting later in the payout period. It's easy to miss a post here and i don't want to discourage supporting a post just because the curation won't be as much. This is really more applicable to bigger accounts with larger vote values. Although, it's still helpful to grow faster if you try to stay on the ball.

I'm super glad to hear you liked the pie analogy. I have tried to explain it many times and that always seemed to be the most efficient way to get the concept across. The built-in PeakD stats and HiveStats is pretty cool to see an overview of what's going on from a digital bird's eyeview.
If you haven't checked out my first post on the etiquette and stuff that i linked at the top of this post... it's worth a read too. Though, you may have figured most of it out by now already. Thanks for stopping by. Cheers
I try and just enjoy myself on Hive at the moment. Off course the rewards are absolutely amazing - a year ago I didn't know anything about blockchains, and wouldn't have thought it was possible to be on a social media platform that rewarded me for posts. Life is surprising! :)
I enjoyed your first post as well. It's a wonderful resource for anyone new to the platform. If a part 3 comes along I am sure I will devour that one too. :)
Thank you so much for the kind words. I am super glad that you liked the first one as well. I feel like i am spamming myself by promoting it.. but it's been an overwhelming response to both posts... and it's been difficult to remember who has been there or not. Though, i don't feel so bad so much since it's old and has paid out already.
There most definitely will be a part 3 and perhaps more. There is just so much to cover and then try to simplify in explanation. I think the next one will discuss keys, and witness support, and a few other things. Anything you might want me to address then would be awesome to hear as well.

Having fun is one of the most important aspects here for growth and longevity. So, i'm super glad to hear that is your focus. Stay in that lane and the road here will take you quite far. I never thought i would give a satoshi about blockchain or crypto... but when interests unite, why not!?!
All the best to you Cath... Keep up the great and fun 'work'!