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RE: The Hive Engagement League 🏆

in OCD5 years ago

How is @nickyhavey above me, I thought we were fiends man! Oh the betrayal I feel like that season where Giroud scored that insane scorpion kick goal agains palace and he didn’t win goal of the season to some basic ass emre can bicycle kick


Calls himself a part-timer and lands in the top 3.....

Giroud is a frustrating player, looks like he should be awesome but has absolute mares way too often!

For real the man is a two timer, basically a Cashely Cole!

Yeah I love Giroud I think his a top player but man can he act like a donkey sometimes! If only his big ass could use his right foot he would be insane


Damn images, needs sorting sharpish!

Haha it's just a classic meme/gif that went around when your friends started getting salty and "cried a river" 😁

Oh wow, damn, @chekohler got rekt! No wonder there's local flash floods forecast 😁

I'm heavily left-sided too, right one only good for standing on and not too hot at doing that either!

Oh we should totally have a HIVEs 5 a side at a HIVE fest that would be so dope!

Lol so then you know Girouds pain lining up one on right only to Sky it to row Z!

I’m ambidextrous, because I had a really bad knee injury as a kid! I swing both ways like the first year in college!