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RE: My cryptocurrency story and why..

in OCD5 years ago

People are always going to shun things they don't understand, whats funny is the fiat money system is even more of a ponzi than crypto its just that they legally force you into it where as we only use this by our OWN choice. I say pay no mind to what these people say, focus on what benefits you, stack those satoshis and sort yourself out.

No one is going to save you but yourself, I am already at this point where I don't care to reach out, I do what I do for me, I provide my thoughts and information for free on my blog if anyone wants it, but I'm not going to go about trying to preach to anyone

If you want to get whipped out by inflation that's your choice


That is true. That is why i feel information is key. It really is a dicy situation.

That's why there is a 1% and a 99% the barrier is information, choosing to remain ignorant and remain in poverty is not noble, just because the consensus says it is, unfortunately, we can't help everyone until we help ourselves.

Be the example by getting on the right side of inflation and people will follow you, they don' do what you say, but they will do what you do, if they see how you benefit