In the comments, I keep seeing the word ‘CHANGE’.....
Can someone please tell me who should change?
Let’s all remember that the reaction was caused by an action...
In the comments, I keep seeing the word ‘CHANGE’.....
Can someone please tell me who should change?
Let’s all remember that the reaction was caused by an action...
Everyone should change. If we want different results, we need to do different, not just today - every day. Rather than appeal to authorities to change their behavior, we have the possibility and power to change the entire system and render the current one irrelevant.
The question is how. How can a disadvantaged people change an entire system that is working against them?
This is why the blacks are telling everyone to speak up... All races. Condemn the injustice.
I had some issues with the comments I saw because it seemed like they suggested that a simple dialogue and change would bring peace. That’s easier said than done because we cannot deny that there are people out there who are enjoying the oppression that the blacks are facing...
It’s 2020 and black people are dying senselessly.
What we want is for justice to be served and realistic measures to be put in place to curb this discrimination.
If someone attacks you, will dialogue solve the issue?
Let’s not forget the Amy Cooper video... I am just tired.
My point of the article, consume differently. The entire world is driven by an economy that we as consumers support, consume differently, change the world.
It's 2020 and many are dying senselessly.
The way it is being done is just changing the shape of the cage, but the cage still exists.
Who is Amy Cooper?
What has this got to do with anything?
Just the domino effect that it has...
People spend far more time reacting to nonsense they see online than actually working toward changing the system they do not agree with. Systemic problems require systemic changes.
And I get your point of view. But how realistic is it to achieve the change you are talking about?
Very, very realistic. It just takes time, and people are far too impatient to invest into it.