My biggest challenge is that I wish to integrate this the viable system model. It's an interesting cybernetics concept that I think will be very useful for my Intentional community project. I think this would be really applicable to something Stafford Beer would call a "Algedonic Meter" to determine the relative dissatistfaction of the community within this model. Check out Project CyberSyn to learn more about that. If you want a truly profound learning experience, check out Stafford Beer's lectures on Youtube. Amazing stuff.
It's crazy, because in order to really get a grip on problems like these, It think it takes a trans-disciplinary approach. It would do no good to just know, say political science or sociology or something. It's a real "Jack of All Trades" type of thing.
Thanks! That's far too high praise.
My biggest challenge is that I wish to integrate this the viable system model. It's an interesting cybernetics concept that I think will be very useful for my Intentional community project. I think this would be really applicable to something Stafford Beer would call a "Algedonic Meter" to determine the relative dissatistfaction of the community within this model. Check out Project CyberSyn to learn more about that. If you want a truly profound learning experience, check out Stafford Beer's lectures on Youtube. Amazing stuff.
It's crazy, because in order to really get a grip on problems like these, It think it takes a trans-disciplinary approach. It would do no good to just know, say political science or sociology or something. It's a real "Jack of All Trades" type of thing.
Thank you, I will check it! Have a great day and I appreciate your detailed response!