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RE: G-dog's weekend-engagement week eight: Who were you? [Win hive for your comment]

in OCD5 years ago

A tibetan monk secluded somewhere far away from civilization. I believe this because of my solitary nature. I managed to create my own religion after coming back to people by inspiring them to pursue spiritual fulfillment. A humanitarian monk. Yup.... Pretty simple.


Don't monks get up at 4am, pray, work, pray work, eat gruel, then work, work, work, pray, pray, work, eat gruel for lunch, pray, work, work, work, pray, work, eat gruel for dinner, pray, pray, pray then go to bed...All in silence?

Hmm...I'm glad monks exist...So I don't have to be one.


Hahahhaha. I like it the most for the silence part🔕🔇😍

Yes, silence is good...Gruel is not.

Hello @creativemary,

A Tibetan monk, Curious! Of those who are self-exiled on a high mountain. Well, there are many ways to be alone and disconnected from others. Although I prefer to be in search of whom I owe my existence.

Thanks for your thoughts.

Hey! Yup. I enjoy silence. I feel that during a week's work we have to deal with so much noise, so many distractions. Lots of people, tasks, conversations. It is part of life. But often I always search to have my moments of detachment, of spending time away from the urban clutter. In silence, in nature it feels relaxing.

I agree with you, the silence is very relaxing and certainly very necessary in the urban jungle. In silence one finds intimacy with oneself.

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