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RE: Racist Posts Matters. Prove your skin is white in comments to get a vote.

in OCD4 years ago

Dear @thevil

I've just noticed that you downvotedour Project.Hope recent post on HIVE and I was wondering ... what could be the cause of your downvote?

Did I upset you in any way? I simply cannot recall any confrontation between us.

This is post downvoted by you:

ps. Is there any way to reach out to you? Would you use discord or telegram by any chance?

Hope to hear from you,
Yours, Piotr
@project.hope founder


Hope to hear from you

Here you go.
Go fuck yourself.

Wow. What a lovely answer. You must be a very angry and unhappy person @theevil

I'm so very sorry for you. I really am.

Hope one day you can find peace in your life,
Cheers, Piotr

Angry? Sometimes, but I know how to deal with that. A good distance.
Unhappy? Rarely. Heavy wind can spoil all the fun.

I'm glad to hear that you think you know how to deal with anger @thevil

And definitely glad to know, that you're hardly unhappy. Truth is, I'm not sure why would you write "go fuck yourself" if you know how to deal with your anger.

Stop making things up.
It had nothing to do with my anger.
It's all about your retardation.
At least it was a honest advice.