[@PowerPaul:] I checked your site now and what can I say...?
Where is the link to your witness vote? Any proposals? How can I support you?
Our game is (beside many other activities) also about learning about the Hive blockchain and for sure this site will get a mention in our learning materials! How is it about some ads in the game world? YOu nailed it and I look forward to your updates!
Two questions please: The time on your site is UTC? How is "Quality" measured?
We don't have any witness node and proposals, it's just a baby project for now, but definitely we want to see it grow. Good luck on your game btw, I bought some CCD just for testing. :)
We automatically adjust website date and time to your browser's UTC offset.
At the moment, the solution is not yet perfect and might be biased away from non-English contents, but we're using a customized set of criteria using the hive-scrutineer package and aiming for readability in long-form contents. The length of the title and body is considered, including the limited use of special characters, emojis, user-tags, and images. We also check whether tags and keywords are used as appropriately as possible.