Well Hello Folks The Cold Is Here!
This is the day I've waited for the entire year!
The coldy cold of the year! Some might say that I am whack for loving the cold but I, I think this is the life and how it's meant to be lived! I mean you can't appreciate the warmth when you don't know what the cold is!
Given I have to say that the older I grow the more I understand why people don't enjoy the winter as much as I do! It's just way too damn cold and at some point it feels like you can't generate anymore heat!
Never the less I will always have a deep love for the cold!
Just A Bunch!
Well here's a bunch of photos I took one morning when I got outside and ready to go to work!
The good part is that I felt this urge to go and cover up the engine of the car with a blanket and most importantly the battery! I don't want no battery dying on me in the cold!
So unintentionally I did some preparation for the day after!
I felt like a kid again going outside and feeling this weather and seeing the ice formed on the car!
No I did turn around when I first opened the door because boy oh boy I didn't think it was this cold outside! It was beyond cold, even the cars from the townside was frozen over and I'm betting a whole bunch of people were late for work because of frozen windscreens and stuff!
I was sorted I pre heated the engine and the cabin as well so I had a fun time driving to work!
We Didn't Slow For The Cold!
Well shit yeah! It was cold and working wasn't at all a big pleasure! Especially not with the fact that I work with cold hard steel and it can get a bit much at times but the work has to be done and sitting around wont get that done!
The Millburg.
Bossman wants to try out this new brand Milburg! We always use to use the Kinergo's but I think we might switch over to Milburg from now on! It's just so much better. It gives you everything, the seals, the grease you add to the seals and a nice spanner with every set you buy!
I am loving it! Just the idea of it coming in a little box and me getting to unbox it! Laughs!
Signing Off!
To think that this was the same day! This was the afternoon after work when I was headed back home!
I find the clouds real interesting in this one and not just because it's clouds but because it's all these cotton balls floating around!
Floating around like the cold hangs around!
Anyways guys and gals! Like the cold in life embrace the bad things that comes your way! One thing to remember in life is that you will always have problems.
Today this and tomorrow that!

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