Mi aventura en Hive [ESP/ING]

in OCD7 days ago

Viviendo la Vida al Máximo: Mi Aventura en Hive.

Saludos Hive 😊

Mi nombre es Dairuby y estoy muy emocionada de unirme a este maravilloso ecosistema de Hive.

Les cuento, soy ama de casa, felizmente casada y madre de dos increíbles hijos adolescentes que llenan mi vida de alegría y desafíos. La cocina es una de mis grandes pasiones; me encanta experimentar con nuevas recetas y sabores, y siempre estoy buscando maneras de sorprender a mi familia con deliciosos platillos.

Además de la cocina, tengo un amor profundo por los gatos. Estos adorables felinos han sido una parte importante de mi vida y disfruto cada momento que paso con ellos. También me encanta bailar y cantar, actividades que me permiten expresarme y liberar el estrés del día a día. A través del baile y el canto, encuentro una forma de conectarme conmigo misma y con los demás.

La calistenia ha sido beneficiosa para mejorar mi físico, mi salud y mi estado de ánimo. Animo a todos a tener una rutina de calistenia y verán los cambios.

A lo largo de los años, he aprendido a disfrutar la vida al máximo, apreciando cada pequeño momento y encontrando la felicidad en las cosas simples. Quiero compartir con ustedes mis experiencias, mis aprendizajes y las cosas que hago para mantenerme positiva y motivada.

Espero poder conectar con personas que compartan mis intereses y aprender de sus experiencias también.

Estoy muy emocionada de ser parte de Hive, conocer su diversidad de comunidades y de tener la oportunidad de compartir un poco de mi mundo con ustedes. ¡Gracias por recibirme y espero que podamos disfrutar juntos de este viaje!


Greetings hive! 😊

My name is Dairuby
and I am very excited to join this wonderful Hive ecosystem.

Let me tell you, I am a stay-at-home mom, happily married and mother of two amazing teenage sons who fill my life with joy and challenges. Cooking is one of my great passions; I love experimenting with new recipes and flavors, and I am always looking for ways to surprise my family with delicious dishes.

In addition to cooking, I have a deep love for cats. These adorable felines have been an important part of my life and I enjoy every moment I spend with them. I also love to dance and sing, activities that allow me to express myself and release the stress of everyday life. Through dancing and singing, I find a way to connect with myself and others.

Calisthenics has been beneficial in improving my physique, health and mood. I encourage everyone to have a calisthenics routine and you will see the changes.

Over the years, I have learned to enjoy life to the fullest, appreciating every little moment and finding happiness in the simple things. I want to share with you my experiences, my learnings and the things I do to stay positive and motivated.

I hope to connect with people who share my interests and learn from their experiences as well.

I am very excited to be a part of Hive, to get to know its diverse communities and to have the opportunity to share a little bit of my world with you. Thank you for having me and I hope we can enjoy this journey together!

Editions made in Canva. The images belong to me, they were taken with my Poco X3 Pro cell phone.


Welcome to the best web3 network ever, Dairuby. Have fun around here!

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I love how you say enjoy every moment.

You are welcome

Welcome here my friend ♥️

Keep posting everyday and try to keep giving your best and don't forget to have fun

Hello, @dairusjon! Welcome to Hive Blockchain! I love your way of getting away from stress! Oh, cooking can also make us run away from stress. :)
About cooking, you can share your recipes on Foodies Hive Bee Community. About your lovely pets, you can share on Hive Pets Community.

Then, you can explore more communities that are suitable for your content and supported by OCD HERE

For tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here: newbie guide.

The important thing is Hive is a bit different from other social media platforms since you are monetizing your blog. You can't include content that you don't own without sources. For more information, check this post: Why and How People Abuse and Plagiarise.

If you have questions or concerns, you can hop into OCD's Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.

I'm @anggreklestari from the @OCD team.
Have a great day!