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RE: Some pictures from the Norwegian Constitution Day

in OCD4 years ago

Killing it bro! That suit looks great, hell I don’t even own a suit. I was really hoping one of the next photos wasn’t going to be @pusen in the water after sliding off the rock 🤣

That wine room is pretty impressive, but you sound like me when it comes to rarely drinking it. Although I do enjoy some, I know little to nothing about it and do not obsess over it.

You and your lady make a fine couple. That sounds like an exciting, yet tiresome day. You two are lucky to have one another to propel each of you to new heights.

I wish you both continued happiness and success. More great days ahead for us all I hope.


Thanks man! It was a little risky going out on that rock but it was worth it for the photos. Love that place!

I think we're an awesome couple myself. We have so much fun together, even on the laziest of days when we're just chilling in our pjs and playing Mario Kart. The day was tiresome for sure but it went by fast due to all the fun.

Hopinh to share some more life stuff in the coming summer months. We have a lot of cool stuff planned.

Risk always feels better after you finish and can look back on the success.

Glad to see she has opened up to posting photos online with you here. Usually I’m not a fan of it either, but it’s just different here with Hive. I actually want to share things with the world.