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RE: Shout Out To All Those Responsible For Giving Me Things To Take Pictures Of

in OCD4 years ago

Yooo! Happy 2021! What was the award for? The leg lamp one.

I'm surprised how many people don't know that movie, I thought everyone knew it. Like It's A Wonderful Life.

Dun.. Dunn.. Dunnnnn

Funny how movies evolve to documentaries over time. Like a prep course of what's to come or something.

Oh I meant to tell you I got this comment last night but it was such a cool one, I knew I'd need more time to respond. Ok, glad I didn't forget that part. I'm glad for autocorrect, too, cuz just now when I typed 'forget,' a buncha crazy letters like 'ghtfrr' showed up but autocorrect knew what I meant.

Agreed. I think society is a little heavy on the not give a fuck scale these days. It's pretty bad out there. Ignorance, too, combine the two like you said.. must be how we got here. There's a lot of good but the bad always outweighs it and it feels particularly heavy out there right now.

That's the second time in the little over three years I've been doing this that someone has used the word eloquent to describe something I've written (couldn't forget). And this is the second time I said something like 'flattered just isn't quite the word I'm looking for.'


Oh @dandays... it was a ... you know.


And what is this "It's a Wonderful Life" you speak of? That is one I've never seen. Don't hate me. I'm not a girl that cares for mushy movies or romance novels. I tend to stick to horror or comedy. I don't know why.

I just got home from work and wanted to watch a movie and which one did I pick? Why Kill Bill of course!

Isn't it amazing what autocorrect predicts? I'm on my phone and the only problem I seem to have is it won't put the damn apostrophes where I need them.

And thanks Dandays, with such a cool post how could I not leave a cool comment? Eloquent is a word I wish I could use more often, so glad I had a reason to.

And yes it does seem pretty heavy out there. I choose to stay on the lighter side of things and try to be understanding even though it's very hard sometimes. I'm really trying to change my negative outlook on things and stay positive and rid myself of my evil ways. Geez these people make it hard sometimes!! Love and light Dandays, Love and Light... WooSaaaaaa

I was told once that flattery could get someone anywhere. I haven't found that to be true in my experience.

Did you catch that??? I'm doing this from my phone! Aren't you proud?? Haha

Welcome to the 21st century. Like texting only different.

That mean I don't get to know the award? You know I really wanna know what it is now. I don't think a sobriety thing offers mini leg lamps so maybe a carnival, maybe? Just didn't know you could win anything with a cord on it at a carnival.