Trip out on the comment. Same thing happened to me when I responded to angryman, it just didn't show up. So Indid another one, same thing. Took three tries. I put this on everything, Tom, my screen type Hi just like that, no periods, just like that right in front of my face, right in the middle of two of my paragraphs, the were spaced just like all the other ones. Then the space was replaced with Hi. Pura will vouch but I understand if it's not believable. And if that's not believable, dude my fucking keyboard wasn't even open! I was proof-reading from my phone.
That's exactly where I was parked, on the bottom floor of that parking garage. My compass is a little screwy but it would've been that lot in the direction of Harrahs (hope that made sense). I hope we're talking about the same wall. That's the same parking spot I came back to my bike and all them dudes were around it watching some naked chick pose for pictures on my bike.
Get the fuck off my bike!!
Those dudes were "what's the matter, don't like a naked chick?" 'Not on my bike, get the fuck off and go crawl in someone else's property!'
That was my second of three eulogy's sir, I'm over it. I really appreciate you checkin this one out. Quite frankly I'm overwhelmed and not certain I'm even handling these responses correctly.