Fuck you Dandays
Promises promises
Why you think I pictured her so many times?? U red that prt aboot collage din't U? Eye M no dummy. Knew I didn't stand a chance with my one-legged, color blind mug.
Thanks dude, I respect your feedback. This had 26 comments when I woke up. I don't think I've ever woke up to that many, if I have, it's been a long time.
Photos. I mean this with every coupon I got in the coupon book, that frikkin @edprivat wouldn't stop bein such a female dog about it!!
People see you as real, a person, when you show personality...For me it helps me engage better with people and seemingly otters wlfeel the same. I've covered this on Discord though. It's a good post a d a brave new step for you. Just have fun, that's what we're all here for. ✅