From Massive To Miniature - Happy Happy Happy!

in OCD10 months ago

I'm still buzzing from the Aurora Borealis a couple of weeks ago and still can't believe what I saw and what images I captured.
However, the weather has made a turn for the worse again and we have rain, but just before it did rain we had a bit of a nice day and I managed to get a bit of macro done, we were doing some work on the garden and I notice we had visitors in out bug hotel, the main reason I put up the hotel was to try and get some solitary miner bees into the hotel as their numbers are dwindling and they are such a beautiful little bee, which they can't sting you as far as I know.

It's great to actually see it in use, it does look a bit worse for wear so I will most likely get a new one for next year, once our visitors have left the building lol.

Looking around the garden we had quite a few visitors, we even found some baby cucumber spiders, although I only had one shot at getting them this turned out blurred sadly, it can be hard sometimes with macro photography.

Before anyone gets scared or freaked out, I found this spider crawling on my trouser leg, it walked onto my hand and I put it on a bush, it does look a bit fearsome on here but it wasn't and it was fairly small too, the macro shot makes it look so much bigger than it actually was, it was a little cutie.

There were loads of these spiders on the slates, which looks like they are carrying egg sacks around, they were quick, thankfully this one stayed still enough to let me take a pic..

I managed to get a jumping spider with it's dinner, again lucky to get this as it kept going around to the other side of the bush it was on then it jumped away, I didn't realise at the time of the shot that it had it's dinner.

Gotta love a ladybird, or ladybug if you use that terminology.

Due to the weather, I doubt I'll be getting much photography done, however I am looking for stuff I've not yet posted to get some more blogs done, I do hope you have enjoyed this little visit to my garden.

Thanks for reading,

All the best :-)


Very beautiful photography dear and I'm amazed that there could be a bee with no sting.

Thabks ever so much, just to clarify rhat It does have a sting, but it's not string enough to hurt humans as it can't pierce human skin.

Oh... Okay I understand.. 😊

Just whaoo, your photography urged me to learn about photography. You clicked amazing