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RE: Conspiracies, Freedoms: Hypocrisy in the USA

in OCD5 years ago

my God, you must be right, there isn't any evil going on at the top levels of society, everyone has plenty and the rulers love us. no child-rape, no mass-theft of the nation's wealth via the central banking system, no wars started on lies and false flags, no torture, no poisoning and polluting and injustice and incessant propaganda, surveillance, expansion of the state powers at the expense of individual liberty - everything's really peachy eh?

being intelligent is no sign of having a clue as to the actual nature of reality.

as to your assertions about christianity, there is no pentagram, nor any other 'approved' symbol of God in the bible. you're talking about the many, many cults that have grown up around the bible and have some loose tenuous link to it, but not the words of God through the hands of His prophets.

even wikipedia would not be able to disagree on that.


there isn't any evil going on at the top levels of society

How on earth did you extrapolate that from my reply?

even wikipedia would not be able to disagree on that.

From Wikipedia: 'Christians once commonly used the pentagram to represent the five wounds of Jesus.'


It was inscribed on King Solomon’s ring, which is often called Solomon’s Seal in error. Each point of the pentagram was also interpreted as referring to the five books of the Pentateuch – the first five books in the Hebrew Scriptures; the Torah.

To the Hebrews the five points of the pentagram were tied to the Pentateuch (the first five books of the bible) and represented as a whole the concept of truth.

There are many connections between the pentagram and Christianity. Before the cross, it was a preferred emblem to adorn the jewelry and amulets of early Christians (followed by an ‘x’ or a phoenix). The pentagram was associated with the five wounds of Christ, and because it could be drawn in one continuous movement of the pen, the Alpha and the Omega as one.

Constantine the Roman Emperor who converted to Christianity chose to use the pentagram on his seal and amulet...During these times the pentagram carried no evil implications at all and in fact, in a lesser way than the cross, was symbolic of the Savior.

'The adoption of the pentacle as a Satanic emblem is quite recent, dating only to the latter half of the twentieth century.'

For most of human history the pentagram has symbolized good things – the heavens, stars, health, scriptures, truth, and even the Savior, Jesus Christ.

'God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise.'

ACTUAL scripture.

lol. wikipedia. is it biblical, or pagan?

chapter and verse please, or your pointless copy and paste just backs up my previous comment.

wikipedia, still lol.

I collected from multiple sources - including christian websites. Bored of this debate since you won't even attempt to address (or possibly even read) any of the points and corrections to your obvious mistakes in reality. Just one final note though: Christianity is more than just a bible, you know. It's not like reality doesn't exist outside of it. Might be interesting for you to go study theology

your bored because you're claiming to know things about which you know very little.
yes, christianity is more than just the bible, and that's the problem.

if i have done anything it's to show the big difference between the two, and to not get confused between them.