This is a cross post of @delishtreats/mount-titlis-a-jewel-in-the-swiss-alps
Join me for a walk at the mount Titlis - also trying out this new amazing cross post function. by @delishtreats.
This is a cross post of @delishtreats/mount-titlis-a-jewel-in-the-swiss-alps
Join me for a walk at the mount Titlis - also trying out this new amazing cross post function. by @delishtreats.
doesn't make sense to me that this is on steemit trending. autovoters?
I must admit that I had no idea this would happen when I cross posted it. I only wanted to try and get it to the OCD community using the new function. And answering to your comment on my other post - yeah, I find it odd that my original post didn't do it good in comparison to this one.
And thank you that you didn't just downvote this one but you upvoted the original one at the same time.
Right now we're only curating posts outside of our community through the nomination of curators in our team that end up in the @ocd compilation posts. Using Steempeak primarily doesn't differentiate much between the original and the cross-post in our view but we understand those using Steemit don't understand what's going on. As mentioned in my previous comment it's a bit experimental right now and we're awaiting to see if Steemit has plans to implement cross-posting as well before we lay out our stance on it and how to avoid abuse.
Other than that we're also curating the SteemDevs and Steem Gaming Community but are open to look how to further collaborate with other communities such as OnChainArt which is nominating their best posts of the day to our compilation posts. Part of that decision will also depend on if cross-posting will be enabled by steemit and made normal.
Thank you for the explanation @acidyo. I'm using steempeak too and agree that there is not much difference between those two posts.
I used travelfeed frontend for that post which triggers travelfeed as the first tag. I understand that the post appears in the community only if the community tag is used as the first tag (correct me if I'm wrong) which wasn't the case for that post. So I found it a great opportunity to cross post it to the OCD community.
I am however not sure if I'll use the function again as I find it strange that the autovotes appear on the cross post as well. It doesn't seem fair to me that people who trust me and set autovotes on my posts should vote for the same post twice. Do you know if this is how it is going to work or is this some kind of a bug that will be fixed in the future?
The autovotes are a big reason we'd prefer cross-posting to be done by others instead of the original author. This will also make it less spammy if it's a "universally normal thing to do", except for sockpuppets, etc.
We're hoping it will be a great tool to empower new and more niche communities.
Oh, I have apparently missed this information :) It makes sense now...
Agreed, if others would cross post instead of the original author it would make more sense and it would be great for the author's exposure too.
Yeah, not saying we're against it but it would be nicer if that's how it happens, especially if the author gets a lot of autovotes it feels wrong to doublepost with cross-posting.
No, not autovoters. OCD is primarily using steempeak now after the acquisition and they have the cross-posting feature which previews the whole post compared to just leaving this text the way Steemit does.
We're waiting to see if Steemit is going to implement this feature as well before we move forward with rules and anti-abuse of cross-posting and our general stance on it.
Ahoj, k čemu je prosím tě to cross postování dobré? Takhle se mi to jen dvakrát objevilo ve feedu a dvakrát si to vzalo autovote :D Jinak článek je to samozřejmě parádní, projel jsem ho už včera :)
No ja som to chcela vyskusat, pretoze kazdy na discorde vravi ake je to super. Ked som to potvrdila a zacali naskakovat autovoty, tak mi doslo, ze to asi az tak dobre nebude. Je to o tom, ze ked mas post v jednej komunite a chces, aby ho videli aj v nejakej inej, tak das cross post. 5% beneficiary potom ide tej communite, kde si to crosspostoval. Ja som vcera pouzila travelfeed a post sa mi neobjavil v OCD, tak som to chcela vyskusat, ale uz to robit nebudem, pretoze mi pride nezmyselne, ze ti isti ludia maju autovote 2 krat. Dufala som, ze to bude nejako inak..
Tie komunity su strasne matuce.. neviem teda ako to vidis ty, ale mne to pride velmi zlozite. A prepac za ten 2 krat autovote :)
V pohodě, já taky vůbec nevěděl, jak to funguje, proto jsem ptal, k čemu je to dobré :) Ten článek, co jsi mi ukázala v tom dalším komentáři, jsem si přečetl, ale stejně mi to celé přijde zbytečně složité. Pokud něco napíšu pro konkrétní skupinu lidí/komunitu, tak přece použiju tag, pod kterým ta komunita píše, ne? Aspoň doteď to tak fungovalo a nevím, proč by to nemohlo fungovat dál... Já osobně teda z toho moc nadšený nejsem a myslím, že ten čas, který tomu Steemit tým věnoval, se dal využít i líp :D Ale co už, pokud se to lidem líbí, tak proč ne...
Uplne suhlasim. Podla mna je to tiez zlozite a zbytocne.. len teraz to bohuzial funguje tak, ze prvy tag rozhoduje o tom, v ktorej komunite sa tvoj post objavi, teda ak tomu rozumiem spravne (je to aj v tom clanku). Ked postujem cez travelfeed, tak prvy tag je ich a preto ti to v inej komunite uz neukaze.. ale travelfeed mi aj tak furt blbne, tak mozno zacnem pouzivat OCD :)
Takže pokud se nepřidám do OCD komunity a nebudu postovat přímo do ní, tak už nikdy nebudu mít nárok na jejich upvote?
Maju kuratorov, co hladaju aj v inych komunitach, takze narok budes mat urcite. Len neviem povedat ako to bude fungovat a kolko clankov budu upvotovat inde ako v OCD. Podla mna stale pracuju na tom ako to budu robit aby bol spokojny kazdy :)
A tu je clanok, ktory to vysvetluje:
Ale ako vravim, ja to pouzivat nebudem pretoze mi to pride blbe. A predpokladam, ze casom vsetci zrusia autovotes. Dnes som videla strasne vela cross clankov a neverim, ze ti co maju nastavene autovotes to budu akceptovat donekonecna.