To avoid the spread of the Covid-19 virus, the Government has produced a Physical Distancing policy and a policy of working, studying, and worshiping from home. . However, for those of you who are really obliged to do activities outside the home, don't remember that you always use a mask. . as I am using this so we avoid the corona virus
Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, protecting physical distance from others became a suggestion echoed by various countries. Protecting physical distance from others is expected to help lower the risk of developing Covid-19 transmission.
Suggestions for overriding the distance in maintaining distance are various. However, it needs to be known, continues to be close to someone with an infected person, continues to be also a great risk he has for contracting. Not only distance, time also affects the risk of a person to be infected.
Continue to be a long time spent together with an infected person, continues to be great also possible for contracting the use of masks is considered to be able to block the virus that comes out of the nose or mouth of an infected person. This matter means that it is tried, especially when keeping a distance so it is difficult to try.
Thus this brief posting may we all be in good health and always maintain health so as not to be infected with a virus that is developing ....