Nobody can with certainty claim when and where the glass was invented, but after the archaeological finds that have been made, one means many places that the glass is coming from Syria. From Syria and the history there, the art of making glasses spread itself to Egypt where one has found the oldest findings of glasses. And therefore, the beer glasses have a long history. But the glasses we find in the pubs and the restaurants today, and at different homes are not quite old, since they have been developed logically through the humanity and the mankind we have ever had in any society!
When going and visiting the pubs, or the restaurants that are located different places in the world, we use to use our moughts, and our penises and pussies control the development everywhere. When going out in the beer markets, many of us are not concerned for which shape of glass the beer will be served within, but this is in contrast with people being engaged in all the details that you find different places. The first pint glass, came in the end of the First World War, 1918, and it was in porcelain. We should dwell around anything in the markets, but we should form the reality as we want, and this truth is due to everybody, and the moves you are doing! George Orwell was writing about the beer glass in his classical book: “Moon Under Water”, and this is an essay from Evening Standard in 1946. The day, the light and the darkness have been a mystery from a long time, but today we are using sciences to explain what is going on in logically ways.
There has been development in different countries for different beer glasses, and often the people drinking too much have not been the best in thinking, and the best in literature. Harvard has some of the largest libraries in the world, and this means that we should read a lot to learn, and not just being open and have not learned anything from the books and the best environments and clusters around the planet.
Many people, also in research and in universities, are using the weekend to make sexual relations, and drinking what they want of all kinds of strong drinks. This is not responsible, but it is the situation due to that we are humans. And the humanity and mankind like to enjoy the life as one does. We should be in the markets that our competence and education programs show that we are capable of! Try to explain the environments, and be careful with bragging too much about environments unless there is a basis for it. But the different beers have come to be here, and there is always history around the products, and how all these things happened. Rich merchants have through many times been engaged with drinking beer, and celebrate many things that just occurred.
There is much history of the beer glasses, and they have come in different versions through all the times they have been there. But in earlier times when the beer glasses were not invented, people just use glasses to drink the beer! And the beer has been drunk at all hours of the day, and to all the meals that have ever been arranged at earth. But we have always used the mug to drink beer. And product development, and new and established products are always exciting in the markets. The adoption curve shows us how the diffusion of new products is within the relevant population in question. Products are also being phased out, and hence what we have today of products is due to the technology, the knowledges, the wisdom and the ways of doing innovations in our society.
Welcome to the parties and the beers, and love your presence and your ways of being! All people can drink beer, since it is easy! And what you know about beers, is not necessarily the same as your peers! The beer is brewed, that is our science about it nowadays! And we have many types of beers worldwide!
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Sverre Larsen
Kristiansand, Norway
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Thanks for an interesting post, @digi-me! The history of beer glasses is definitely an overlooked an interesting one! :)
Hehe, thank you for the comment :)