The Hometown, what makes you miss it? the atmosphere of the village which is a tradition, the beautiful nature, or even the naturalization of its diverse community. All of it, of course have memories in each other's of us.
For me, my hometown is a place of remembering my child's time, coincidentally, it is located in the hinterland, upstream of the Peusangan river, Bireuen district, Aceh province, as a barrier with several other villages around.
The diverse community makes me really miss the atmosphere of being in my hometown, it has become a tradition, the villages people will welcome you from the city, they will find out news about you, what you do in the city, even how successful you have been.
With the hope that someday you can also help the success of the people in your village, so it is, a hope for those who live far from global civilization and still in the hinterland area such as my village.
In addition to enjoying the atmosphere and culture of its diverse community, in my hometown, I can also enjoy traditional dishes that we rarely get in urban areas. The atmosphere was really very extraordinary, and of course, that is a difficult moment to forget.
These pictures are my last documentation in my hometown, and that was 2 years ago, and during that time I have never returned to my hometown for the last time.
Watching the atmosphere in the photos makes me really miss my hometown, hopefully when it starts conducive and Coronavirus will not be a problem anymore in my city, eager to enjoy the natural atmosphere and swimming at the river of my hometown.
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