What is plagiarism :
Plagiarism is an illegal act of stealing content from author or writing for self purposes. This can be done by either copying the text entirely or taking his or her created picture or work without informing the individual.
Right here on hive plagiarism can be seen in the following ways. I'll start with the most common,
- Using AI generated text: this is most commonly used on this platform and leads to un-curated post. Al generate texts are mostly likely articles gotten from different parts of the internet. These articles were published by individuals so using AI to generate your article/ post is also and will be noted as a plagiarized work.
- Copying and pasting: This is also a commonly used method to steal someone's work. Going to a person post and copying it and pasting it to for your usage or advantage its consider copyright.
Ways to minimize plagiarism
1- Always tag whoever you might have taken words from his or her work, this will indicate that yes you are publicly saying i got this from here.
2- post the source or link of any image gotten from the internet.
3- Read well about a topic then write what you understood from such topic.
4- If using AI text write such text in a way u understood it and not the way it was written by the Ai.
I bet with these ways i have briefly explained what plagiarism.
there are penalties to pay if caught in plagiarism
Your post on such communities here would be ignored if you have already been warned.
Your post wont be curated meaning there will be no payout . All these being said make sure you proof read your post and avoid copying or stealing from others.
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