A Changing World Order

in OCD5 years ago

Everyday I see the world changing around me. People move along with their normal lives as if nothing was amiss, as if the world would somehow continue to conform to the unrealistic standards that we humans forcefully impose on it. Obviously, a closed system does not understand the concept of separateness, and that is just what this planet is, a closed system. You have probably heard of the butterfly effect; a butterfly flaps its wings in one place, and a tsunami can arrive on the other side of the world. Though we cannot say that there is a causal link, this comparison hints at the reverberations of seemingly small and harmless events, that ripple through space and time in perfect simultaneity. Understanding this concept, i mean truly understanding it in the sense that we apply actions in our lives based on this principle, will be the challenge of our time.

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To ignore the relationships of cause and effect, when one knows of the effects that a dangerous action can have, is paramount to hitting oneself on the head with a stick but trying to ignore the pain by sheer will power. However this is not how the world works, and though in the real world, the action i am referring to is of a much grander scale, is much more inclusive, and involves the lives of billions of people, not to mention countless other forms of life that rely on the same systems that we do to survive. I am talking, of course, of the ongoing COVID crisis, and the looming threat of climate disaster, a threat that has been well known by the scientific community for over 50 years, yet somehow mysteriously ignored, by the very same conventions feign equality and success, whilst billions are yet to experience life on the same rungs of privilege that the modern western lifestyle has provided the relative few. There seems to be, however, an increasing reliance on the very same technology that i am currently posting my blog post to. Blockchain technology and decentralized applications is being portrayed in the minds of the people as some kind of saving grace, a unifying force that will bring together all those who see the potential and the opportunity at hand, to change the system and to change the world. Because of this, there is hope, for the tools at our disposal present themselves with the utmost of utilitarian purpose, ready to be taken up at any moment by those with the right intention and aim. For there is no system without its moving parts, and though mega corporations have long relied on the complacency of the masses, to mindlessly roam the repetitive cycles of subconscious stimulation.

An awakening is afoot, and people now know the truth of the contemporary saga that unfolds. Governments are being blamed for their role in allowing the current system to continue to unfold unsustainably, whilst the convergence of myriad problems like deforestation, air pollution, environmental pollution amongst many more disgraceful and terrifying situations unfold, all because of the same stinking reliance on fossil fuels. But it is so much more than that, because as a species we are addicted to these ways of living, the rolling stone of humanity has swept away in its wake way too many essential living systems that it can no longer be ignored as collateral damage. We have become, in our ways, in our patterns, in our traditional beliefs towards nature, so unforgivingly and overwhelmingly dangerous towards the natural world, that it is literally starting to be crushed under the weight of our arrogance. Though it is a painful situation we find ourselves in, people are waking up to the facts, to the reality of our relationship with everything else in this closed system we call Earth. And as our influence grows to be a formidable contributing force amidst the natural system that govern all living beings within its boundaries, we must learn, sooner rather than later, how to adapt to its constraints, not for “it’s” benefit, but for our own.

The discrepancy between it, the environment, and us, the humans is gone. We have fooled ourselves more than anything else, for a closed system does not understand the word “other”, reciprocity is its nature, and we have condemned ourselves with to the same degree of the sheer will we once had to grow and evolve. Now the pressure has shifted to bear down upon us in turn, now the test of imposing our will on nature has switched, and nature will impose her adaptation in kind. There is no emotion here, there is no right or wrong, there is no maybe or what if, there is only facts, only an evolving reality that can only ever change with what is presented into it. Every single moment that passes is testament to this fact, for the power of life and its potential is not a dream but very much a reality. It is in me and in you and in anybody reading this. It is in the air that we breath, in the food that we eat, in the beauty of the things that we see through our eyes, in the pain that we feel on our skin by the burn of the sun. There is no emotion there, there is only energy in motion. We flow with it, we are, most testament to the present moment, it. We have so yearned for the driving seat, that now the turn has come for us to drive yet we resist the responsibility we once had asked so vehemently. Worse, we took it by force, now there is a cliff ahead and the road is no longer safe, so we must turn back, or stop driving, or pitch a tent, and think of a different plan. Yes there is hope, of course for the inspiration we feel now in our collective communities, online or wherever they may be, is a feeling felt by many people, and it grows bigger with everyday, and it will gather momentum once again, and the tides of change will thunder once again, and the people will change their ways, and the world will change again. There is no such thing as the future, this is very important. For it is our strong belief and relationship with the concept of time and future that is the reason that we have delayed so far to make a change at the speed and scale that we know is necessary. By ‘we’ I am referring to everyone, at the very least those who have an internet connection, at the most, and ironically few, large and dangerously influential corporations that are making the decisions that matter every day, the decisions that reverberate, the decisions that affect all of us. Being tuned in to the wealth of information that we now have as a global community of people, on the planet, on ourselves, on climate change, on many aspects of change is important for those that care for the sustainability of our natural systems are the ones that care the most about themselves, and it is this selfless love that is so positively infectious that it can grow much faster than any virus or advertisement campaign every could.

We the people, will build a better world, not because it is easy or hard, but because it is what must be done, now, for our children, for our planet, for the future that never comes. A better world means living in alignment with it's needs and ours, within the balance of give and take. Because the name of the game is not quantity, but quality. If we can maximise the quality of every moment of time, say a unit of time such as a second. Then our lives will be enriched in the true sense of the word, but if we unwittingly try to one-up time itself by extending it, when there is nothing to extend, for each unit of time is the same, we are doing nothing more than spitting in the wind. In any case I found it very liberating writing this short essay on the changing world order, and I have come to understand how important it is for us humans to express ourselves. This is a key point as well, for silence is complacency, so we must never repress our emotions, our feelings of truth and injustice and hate and love. They are powerful mechanisms in our bodies that point us toward the right path. The world has a mysterious way of working in cycles of up and down. Though I too find it difficult at times to find the motivation to just sit down and write, yet when it happens it is so easy to just flow into it, and let the page guide you to saying what you believe the world should hear. For way too often do we repress our emotions, we stay silent when so much of what we believe in and stand for gets torn down in a world that has become, unfortunately, increasingly unstable. This is why awareness is our most powerful tool, to become most aware but more importantly to convert this awareness into direct action, no matter how seemingly small, a short article, a mindful decision at the shop, a gesture of kindness, of compassion. The way of the world tends towards the path of least resistance, and it can work for us or against us, we need only learn how. If we are wise with our actions now, we have a better chance of standing on the bands of resistance between which the energy of the world flows, rather than be constrained by them. More on this later, as it is hard to express in words for it represents so much more than words can describe. Something to meditate on! Thank you for reading, stay healthy.

With love
