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RE: Abuse Report! Too Many Coincidences!

in OCD5 months ago

Thank you for everything!

She has been banned from curations and communities (where I can). I will be listening to the other side of the story too and I hope it is as you’ve explained.

I have seen @edystringz's face. I have to check records and there is a chance that she is not connected to all this.

In anti-abuse matters, we must be very careful and verify multiple times before taking strict action against anyone. We should ensure that no one is wrongly accused, which is why I am open to hearing other perspectives on this report. Let’s see what they bring to the table.

Thanks for understanding!


I have seen a picture (said to be of @edystringz) those could be her. But how will it going to change anything? Have you seen all of the three personalities/accounts' pictures?

I didn't want to share it publicly here respecting her privacy.

I said @edystringz account is the oldest and might be the first account of her. Also, I am just presenting facts here, the evidence is speaking for itself. I would love to hear their perspective too.

But how will it going to change anything? Have you seen all of the three personalities/accounts' pictures?

I have access to a private database with information related to people's faces. If their face is there, it's highly likely that the person is real.

I’m also waiting for more information regarding Sabrina (There are many decentralized antiabuse workers outside of HW. They also collaborate and share information with each other.). So far, everything you've shared is all that we know.

I would love to hear their perspective too

My point is to give them a fair trial to prove their innocence, remaining open to any new discoveries.

You will likely hear more possibly made-up stories that use "appeal to emotion" manipulation (having insomnia, taking drugs, alcohol abuse), etc.
The only way there is a chance for appeal is by verifying with a proper Twitter account. However, that would still not be proof as the user has used an avatar with a generic photo of a Muslim woman for identity deception.


"her" is likely yet another male abuser pretending to be a woman with a fake avatar and story to get easy farming from susceptible male curators.


Additionally, it seems Sabrina identifies as a Muslim, possibly from India or Bangladesh.

On the other hand, @edystringz appears to be from Nigeria and, as far as I recall, is a Christian.

Is it possible that Sabrina helped her with the HTML formatting and informed @edystringz after making the corrections?

There are ways to further verify this narrative, and if I find anything new, I will share it with the relevant people.

Of course, I could be wrong as well. We are all humans just trying to do our best.

@anonyi Thanks 👍 💕

The Nigerian connection explains how that account got the list of all these milking accounts to comment on from day 1. This list has been circulating around the Nigerian community and has been used before by farmers.

You have to mind that you have given away all the clues that the abuser is likely going to use to avoid being detected the next time "she" creates new abusive accounts.
