Reasons of Immigration:

in OCD4 years ago

Reasons of Immigration:


For the individual to immigrate from his homeland there must be multiple aspects, problems, issues the individual or the his homeland suffering from. The main countries people immigrate from according to statistics from in the year 2017 listed that USA is number one immigration destination for immigrants then follows Saudi Arabia, Germany, Russia, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, France, Canada, Australia, Spain, Italy, India, Ukraine, Turkey, South Africa, Kazakhstan, Thailand, Pakistan, Jordan, Kuwait, China, Malaysia, Iran, Singapore, and Switzerland. These destination are most intended to immigrant to immigrate to so that there is something special in these countries that leads to be most intended. As said Immigration have reasons in order for an individual to leave his country an go to another, listing them from most important reason to the least important as following: wars and battles (insecurity), nation economic status and poverty, health care, social care, education, racism, better life/job opportunity, low leisure availability.


Insecurity is considered one of the most important reasons for immigration, however many countries which faces wars, conflicts in either external or internal conflicts leads to flee the citizen away from the nation (country), regardless of their religion, climate, traditions and identity, so they leave the country to save their lives in a place more safer and away from conflicts. For examples in 2012 when the Syrian civil war was overrun in the whole country, Syrian people started to immigrate from their homelands to other nations which are considered safer for them and their families, so many of them left to Germany, Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, France, United Kingdom…etc. so the people who left made their living outside their homeland, which lead to either adopt the foreign identity or to spread their original identity in the foreign lands, which is considered as sharing of identity between both factions the immigrant and the natives which became later a good move for new updates in the foreign traditions as they adopt many Arabian aspects and traditions and identity. According to German airways statistics in year 2014 they considered refugees as one of the most dangerous threat to German after series of terrorist attacks and endangering the ideology of the German people. In year 2018 the German vision to Syrian immigrants and refugees changed after the German people adopted many Syrian traditions and the Syrian native identities for their own, some of them are food, religion, Arabic language as they started to provide institutes to study Arabic language in Germany…etc.

Nation economic status and poverty is considered also an important problem and one of the main reason for immigration. Many people who went bankrupt, robed, or whom couldn’t find well-financed life in their homeland, tend to immigrate to another nation in order to get proper financial life from a new start. For example Lebanon in 2017 has been officially announced for a few years later will face bankruptcy and at its max, people started to feel it by high price ranges, low income, and half-income in some cases, work started to decrease, and people started to fear starvation. According to MEA it increased from 200 individual per month to 500 individual per month left Lebanon to spread among the following countries: England, France, UAE, Iran, Germany, USA…etc. however in 2019 between 17 and 20 October MEA recorded that 50,000 Lebanese citizen immigrated to spread in many countries and never return back according to LBCI tv channel. So the financial status of the country and the individual play a huge role in immigration. However the immigrated individual will spread his talents and abilities in his second destination, so it turn positive for both the individual and the intended country, which provide more skills, knowledge and information from the coming individual that bring his identity with him from his original country to the locals and the destination this person went, spreading his identity from his old country to the new one.

Health care is one of the major and most important category in human’s life, his life depend in the amount of health care they country provides for the individual and there families. Providing health care is considered one of the reasons that people immigrate and leave the country, for example in Africa, mainly in the Nigeria, it recorded that they reached a very critical low status in health care, after they discovered that many of the poor natives drink tainted water that lead to many diseases and may lead to death. So that people tend to leave the country in order to get better health care status, however many countries provide access to the hospitals and clinics through cards and vouches, so that helped the people more to seek that countries and provide many financial and experiential abilities for the medical staffs to these countries.

If a country lack in social care, it will damage the society in many phases, although it is split in four phases, in phase one: people start to search for better way to achieve social care, however when the resource reach down it will lead to social conflicts and social gap between people which lead to robbery, fraud and internal tension, mainly teenagers became depressed and become afraid of their future. Phase two: teenagers started to be corrupted by drugs, terrorism, bullying …etc. this create a great danger the this part of the society whom are the future of the country, however in phase three: the society will have a corrupted mindset in which it will affect the advancement of the nation, this will lead to criminal cases, revolutions against corruption…etc.. Phase four: people will start to feel hopeless for their countries and will leave to better once which provide them with social caring and social centers, this will lead to positive impacts on the destination and on the people who left, they will have proper caring for their lives, finance, elderly, and there children’s future, however this will lead to integration between both the locals and the foreign, which will help more in attributing more about both identities to merge between each other.

Education is considered a very important reason for immigration, it split into three parts, either bad educational system in the original country, or better opportunity for the individual outside his nation, or to continue there studies outside the motherland, however 67% of the students who study abroad never return to there nation and prefer to stay outside and many of 33% tend to find job outside directly after they graduate, however this provide an important amount of knowledge and genius minds in the foreign countries which help in improve and develop more in technical and technological fields. Bad educational systems also is a great danger to both the children and the future of the generations, which will lead to immigration from there nations and search for better educational system abroad. Also many people who graduate with high rate of knowledge, IQ or with an invention may have a great opportunity to travel and enroll in a job with high income and position, which provide satisfaction for the individual, plus to the nations he’s working in, however transacting money from his working place to his mother nation which it helps it’s economy.