While the "number" reputation system on Hive is broken
Totally true, so sad to see this happening long ago...
I wish that more people would learn to be creative and not post generic content that can be found everywhere
You said it before but couldn't comment on that post. It's also so boring to see such kind of stuff wide spread. That's why I prefer not to post, if I got nothing to say that at least is a bit different from what's going on in the Hive ecosystem then I prefer to shut up my mouth (hand) and wait calmly.
I laugh when I take a look back in the beginnings of Steemit when we all were rushing to try and get those "amazing" rewards at the top trending list, posting recipes and pictures, travels, etc... I early looked mines and took the decision not to write that way anymore. I decided that I would be recognizable as I'm in real life while helping out as much as possible those deserving it.
I've been hit lately on such events like plagiarazing and spinning content from a friend of mines here in Hive and I'm still in shock and unable to understand why that person could harm the hard work done during the years to end up being burnt like that for being caught that way, unbelievable!, I'm really sad about that.
have two jobs including my own business, raise a young daughter, have chronic stomach issues
Oh gosh, I thought I was busy! You ruined my main excuse 😂
This, this is wise. I do this too. If I have nothing to say or comment, I would just wait. If I have nothing to write, I will leave that be and read others and engage more. I don't like leaving generic, nice post, thank you and all of that. I like to add some value into the comment I put.
I hate loosing my time with futile content althought some coffee may help overcoming this 😁
hahaha yes, coffee often helps!
Coffee helps with everything. Unless it is evening - then wine helps.
I normally use decaffeinated from evening till my bed time if I want to work... otherwise I'm not able to concentrate :P
Generic is boring to write, it is boring to read.
Indeed and often we can tell just by title or the first paragraph 😃
I wasn't a 2016er, but there was a lot of crap back then. I am sure not everything I have written is gold, but hopefully it is at least a metal :D
People get tired very fast these days - no stamina.
Everyone has excuse why they don't work - people should find some good ones for why they should.
The thing is I don't stop working but can not find the time to write easily... I have not an easy writting in the sense of it to be interesting to people in my opinion.