March is my month. Month when I was born. Month in which everything is reborn - both nature and people, their energy and mood getting better after winter depression. Spring is finally coming, my favorite season of the year, and seems like March is perfect for all people. They start being more positive and motivated. For me, this month is my new beginning and the month when my year starts. Althought the end of last year and beginning of this was perfect for me and I was so motivated for everything at first, some s**** happened and I start to feel depressed and lethargic again, and I spent February doing nothing for myself.
I decided to change that and try to fight against that feelings so I choose March as month for a new beginning and getting back on the track. It's pretty bad when you're a person who are falling in depression really easy after each bad happening, like me.
Bullet Journal
This notebook which you can see on picture above I received as a New Year gift from my dear friend Olivera (I mention her in each post, lol :)). There was set of 2 notebooks and I didn't want to use them as a regular notebooks where I'm writing down some things for school. I wanted to use it for something special for me and I use one of them which has a simple design - whole-colored and with super inscription "HAPPY THOUGHTS". Even if I prefer blank notebooks so I can write and draw without limit, I figured it out that this notebook which has a paper printed in squared will be good enought because mostly of things I want to put in it will be organized in tables.
Tittle Page and Sleep Tracker

Habit Tracker
Damn, I listed 18 habits I want to take care of and I feel like I forgot to add something else, lol.
Goals & Wish List
Althought I mentioned that I need to fix sleeping routine, I also need to spend whole month studying and preparing for April exam deadline and 4 exams which I'll take it and I hope pass it hehe. I definitely need some hobies and time for relaxing and as I was passionate book warm when I was a teen, I want to get back into reading habit, at least in the evening before bed in exchange for staring at my cell phone. Last thing on my 'Goals List' is to practice english and painting. I am really proud and happy how I have progressed with English over the last six months, but I want to continue to improve my speaking skills and also to learn new words by reading different textes and watching tv shows without Serbian transcription. Some time ago, I watched a video of a woman who does painting on YouTube and I really liked that technique and I wanted to get myself basic painting accessories and start practicing. Pencil and drawing is definitely not my technique, I'm really bad at drawing and I've always been more interested in painting. So my goal now is to get at least some cheap beginner's equipment such as acrylic colours, paint brushes and painting canvas and I learn to paint like her.
Studying Plan & HIVE Ideas & CHINGU Ideas

What is CHINGU 2022?
CHINGU is, if I may say so, a project of promoting Korea in Serbia and also for building stronger diplomatic relations between this two countries, which is organize by Korean Embassy in Serbia. They were looking for a people who would be digital suporters and participants of this project and as I'm really interested in Korean culture I sent application form. My task for application was to create some content (video, blog, card...) which can represent Korean culture, tradition or relations between Republic of Korea and Serbia, share it on my SNS and write short message why I think I would be a great digital supporter of CHINGHU project. They choosed me and now my task is to create at least 10 post in period March - November but I want to create much more. Also Embassy invite us to some events in their residence and send some gifts for beginning of project but they will choose the best digital supporters at the end of the year and some of us will receive much bigger present (last year winner won Samsung Tablet WOW).
This page is for Avon - when somebody contact me to order something, I will write down which products, their catalog codes and prices so I can create complete order much easily and I don't have to keep everything in my head.
Let's guess... You thought in this page I'd write down the things I needed to buy? Nooo! SHOPPING is a platform for making money which I heard about before some period and I wanted to try. I already made some money but for now I stopped because I need to create foreign currency bank acc so I can withdraw money in $ from platform to my bank acc. I will continue that from next week I hope, so this page is for writing down how much I invest, what is my balance and daily earnings and for easier tracking my earnings growth. I'm exciting about that.
And the last page, for now. I created a plan for the first week because the beginning is always the hardest. I mentioned I was so lazy previous month and now I need time to get used to whole new routine. I have entered my class schedule and some additional things that I have to finish this week in order to better organize my free time for studying and other activities.
As you can see, I used each second page of notebook because the felt-tip pens are bleed throught papers, so I will use them for pasting stickers, newspaper clippings or decorating with washi tapes.
Good, I see that your organized and detail oriented.
My Sleep Pattern is impossible to track because I work as a Night Shift Nurse and I organize/tend to both my Sons and a sick Roommate's needs in the day. I'm mildly dyslexic so my hand writing and typing takes a while. Thank God for auto-correct.
Oh...Working as a nurse at night shift must be really exhausting and demanding job but I hope you have at least couple of hours for resting and sleeping after you finish with taking care about them. Seems like you are a really kind attentive person:)
Nyay! Sleep tracker. That's sound interesting though ☺️
I used to list down the things I want to do and I am so good at it before but when you have a lot of things on your plate I can't go back to the things I used to do and start to be disorganized. 🤭
Oh yeah, I can understand you because I was already listing down the things like this and it wasn't work that time. I mean I'm reeealyyy disorganized person which is reflecting to my laziness but once I fulfill my days with different obligations, I'm dealing with everything very well, so I hope it's gonna work this time 😏
Yes that's right hahaha but we will get better 😂
Hello @dramalama. I thought I was a notetaker and listmaker. But you are a shining example of how to correctly prioritize your goals. The sleep pattern improvement is what I attempted to do. It helps to recognize when and under what circumstances you're getting your sleep.
Congratulations on your position as a digital support of that project you were enthused about. I have a feeling that with your attention to detail, you will exceed the organization's expectations and assist them in their efforts.
Thanks for sharing your journals and priorities in life. Listing 18 items is a lot. However, I feel that throughout the year, you'll accomplish them all.
Take care, and have a good rest of your week.