Are lizards dangerous to humans?

in OCD5 years ago (edited)


Scientific Classification

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subfilum: Vertebrates
Class: Reptilia
Order: Squamata
Suborder: Lacertilia
Family: Scincidae
Subfamily: Mabuyinae
Genus: Eutropic
Species: E.multifasciata


Hi hive ..
Did you know, many developed countries now make this reptile called lizard as food in certain restaurants, the reason it is used as a menu item on the food list, is because there are many assumptions that the efficacy of lizard meat can cure certain diseases, and also meat lizards have good taste, according to them.

But if it is not cooked in the right way the threat of disease from lizard meat is very large for humans, because reptiles are likely to have tapeworms in their bodies, which can be a source of disease for humans.




For attacks or bites against humans is rarely done, and if anyone is bitten by this type of lizard will not cause severe injuries.

I think until this discussion about the lizard from me, thank you for those of you who have visited and read my post this time.

