Let me know if you have any questions, reply to this post and I will get notified!
If you aren't aware, using a website like peakd.com is a far superior interface for the Hive blockchain. You will get notifications, lots of wallet capabilities and awesome statistics for your account among other things. It's the best user experience you can have, especially starting out.
If you'd like to learn more, I can absolutely help you wade into that area!
Hi there! Thanks so much for your comment and great suggestions! They are perfect for someone like me :) I will let you know if I have any questions! Thanks again.
Thanks so much @cmplxty & welcome Alana. Come check out the @naturalmedicine community at hive-120078 - nice gentle supportive community and a lot of diversity and helpful content.
Welcome Alana!
Welcome Alana, I think you will find comradarie in the @naturalmedicine community led by @riverflows among others like @artemislives.
Let me know if you have any questions, reply to this post and I will get notified!
If you aren't aware, using a website like peakd.com is a far superior interface for the Hive blockchain. You will get notifications, lots of wallet capabilities and awesome statistics for your account among other things. It's the best user experience you can have, especially starting out.
If you'd like to learn more, I can absolutely help you wade into that area!
Hi there! Thanks so much for your comment and great suggestions! They are perfect for someone like me :) I will let you know if I have any questions! Thanks again.
Welcome to Hive!
Here's a few resources you might want to check out: