I don't think the media is getting tired of this whole corona thingy. Our ministers are continuously in talk shows and discussion programs around the new normal. FB, Twitter and all is full proponents and opponents of all sort of measures and what we shall do and not and how to further unlock our society. Though, I see some people taking it all a little less serious. I guess for good reasons, since the media started to allow people with a different narrative (scientists mainly) to tell their story. Like the whole aerosol debate, the super spread events (all indoor) was never talked about in TV programs until a few weeks ago. But maybe the biggest change is the fact that we started slowly unlocking our society with children going to school again. Restaurant and bars allowed to open again (with 1,5 meter distancing). First tourist I see in Amsterdam again. The southern European countries allowing tourists again and our ministers saying they may allow Dutch to go to these countries. And so on and so fort.
Yea, the law thing. The law is gonna be a special Corona law which they want to instate from July onwards. Currently the country is in state of emergence giving mayor special privileges to deal with the situations, like policing the corona rules and allowing to give fines to those who don't follow them. When the rules are part of a law, the state have more power and the mayor have less, ie a mayor can't go against the law, while in the state of emergency they have more freedom in deciding what they do with or against the rules, and if they send out their police officers around to force the rules and/or to hand out fines to those who dont follow the rules.
I'm pretty sure the law will be a kinda temporary one, but what is temporary? When they need months to create the corona law, what will happen with this one when we don't need it? Our government was initially a bit like: nothing much will happen, we go for group immunity. Since then they changed quite a lot and I see them being very very slow. We had a kinda soft lockdown (ie not the strongest lockdown some of the other neighbouring countries had), but by now most of the countries around us allow their citizens much more than here in the Netherlands. Am afraid this will continue. Our prime minsters is continuously talking about the new normal as being not temporary but can last years, or longer. Really? So when the corona rules become a law, I predict we'll have to live with this law for some time, and it'll take long time before the law are changed, like when to allow outdoor gatherings again with eg less than 1,5 meter.
I think we'll be seeing more and more people becoming unsatisfied how our government is handling things. I do hope mayors will revolt at some point in time to give a push back to the national government.
Personally I can't see a society living with social distancing for too ling anymore. Humans will not be able to do so. Humans have this group instinct. We like to touch one another. Will we continue not to do so for years to come? Not really; I know I won't :)
The First „Test“ is over .....what next!?
Thats a good question; I dont see the Dutch government going through test and not really thinking how to allow spending social time outdoors in a pleasurable way. Theme parks are allowed to be open, but carnaval (the oldfashioned street entertainment like one can get in theme parks but then around the corner) are not allowed, even when they have solid plans how to go about the social distancing. Outdoor festivals: Well, they are banned for the season :((((( While they could test with this. Like they could've done with the demonstrations done in Amsterdam. Most people I know tell me: Ed, you shall accept all of this. When I told my father: "Well, I dont have to accept the Dutch government!", he told me: "Well, you do". When I repeated my statement, he said: "Well, I need to think about what you are saying". Guess I need to be prepared to leave the country that I love for many reasons. That said, not sure what other country would fit more my believes. Maybe I shall take a look at Sweden. Lots and lots of countryside and nature and likely one can live life in more freedom, also because the Swedish government have less strict rules around Corona. Not sure yet...
Time will tell I suppose. Let's wait and see.
Sure, time will tell, and yea, wait and see is one way to go. I start to become more vocal about the stupidity of our national government and start living more according to my own rules instead of simply obeying the government instated rules and soon to be laws. That is how I go through time. Am not at all an activist but somehow this whole situation pushes me a bit into the direction of becoming one! :) Interesting experience, for sure :)
All governments have their own agenda, and mostly people have to accept it. Not always though.