Life I guess?

in OCDyesterday

All about life

I really don't know what to write about so Ima just let my thoughts flow and just write, life is fun isn't it though? Some days you obsess over every little detail about some stupid thing, others you don't have a care at all, some days hurts so much you feel like you are in your own hell and some you are just soaring through the day and everything goes just right for you. Well both ways are good as long as you learn your lessons, evolve and continue from there, be curious about the world but also be just the right amount of cautious.... what is the right amount? I don't know that is up to you to find out for yourself I guess!

Be Yourself/Love Yourself

Yeah it can be very difficult for a lot of people, me personally have been fighting with myself for so long with one part saying I will never amount to anything and the other one saying I am the best, I can do whatever I set my mind to. But I have always been myself no matter who I am with or where I am no matter if it is online or offline even if it means people might think I am weird or annoying, yeah before I used to think too much on if a certain group would like me or find me annoying not all groups I joined but just some, I wanted to make a good impact on them, but it's no point obsessing about that just be yourself and if they don't like you and are toxic then remove yourself from that group.

Mostly in my life I have always been the person who have "picked" out certain people instead of jumping into huge friend groups, because for me it's much more nice having a small group of like 3-4 people where you can get really close and become like a family where you can support each other, share stuff like family, and do fun stuff whenever you can, nowadays I only have one friend irl that I hang with and yes I love my friend so much but it gets annoying since we barely have anyone else to be with he tends to call very often each day even though we really don't have anything to talk about or we have just met 40 mins earlier but that is what it is family can get on your nerves but you are still there for each other!

anyway going off topic,... so be yourself was it yes, dress in what makes you comfortable, if you wanna sing out loud don't worry about what the people around you will think of your singing, just sing if you like the song that is playing, live life.


Created With Microsoft Copilot

Just Be

Darken your room, lay down in bed and put on some good headphones that block out all sound from outside and put on some ocean sounds, thunder, wind, whatever, close your eyes and just let the thoughts flow, no need to empty your head fully most people cannot do that easily anyway so and it's not needed just don't obsess on getting your head completely empty, maybe just hum something in your mind if you can and do that for 15-30 mins or longer just forget about everything else bothering you no matter if it is something that happened that day or something in life overall, if a thought of something bad comes just let it flow past and let it be yeah it can be difficult but at least try beause when you can just let go for a moment even if you only just manage some minute of those 30 mins each day it feels so good just being nothing in this world, having no thoughts about things in this world just being pure consciousness for a short moment.


On a whole other topic last evening and all night to today I have been on a nostalgia trip with so many songs I had forgotten about, hearing them though I still remember the words of them even though it has been 16-18 or so years for some of em, It gives such a nice feeling :D ... why did I include that in my outro? hmm oh well hope your enjoyed reading, have a nice day!