"Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you."- Sandberg Carl.
A man who spends his time carelessly when he is young and with strength will struggle when he is old and weak.
The definition of time goes well explained so we understand what it is. We spend time, we don't live it.
Each person is allocated a certain amount of coins that they will spend during their lifetime and when they are done spending it, they are done.
You spend what has value.
Living life is a function of your ability to first exist and then push into a better life with efforts made through spending of your time wisely.
If time wasn't valuable we won't be spending but living it.
Time doesn't pass us because it is a commodity that cannot be purchased. Humans pass out of time through the use of their allocated tokens.
Thebcoin of life allocated to us can't be refilled, it only has a capacity of being spent. Unlike the physical paper or digital money, where you can accumulate more time doesn't work that way.
Use your time.
If you do not value your time, you will definitely get someone who will use that value to their advantage.
Know that your time is valuable and cannot be retrieved once spent. Spend it wisely and profitably because, once it is gone, it stays gone.
There once was a wealthy man who didn't want to die because he was having the fun of his life, so he set out to *buy time"
He soon met with a herbalist who told him it was possible and that all he needed was some money and a little sacrifice.
He was asked to write down the names of his loved ones and also to drop 50000 shekels and 4 ounce of hold. He was so happy that he dropped 10000 shekels and 10 ounce of gold just to show his appreciation. After 2 days of incantation, bathing in strange liquids and fortification, he was told it was done and that he will live for another 50 years. Not satisfied with that, he asked the herbalist to do it again so that he can get another 50 years.
After some discussions and payments he proceeded to do the rituals all over again against the herbalist's warnings.
Everything went well and he was told he will live for 100years. He is so happy that he leapt for jou 3 times and on the 4th time, he missed a step, slipped and broke his neck.
Moral of the story, you cannot get away with buying or selling time because it isn't a commodity that can be bought or sold.
Be useful to yourself and use your time wisely. Investing in yourself will help you utilize the number of your days profitably.
Don't snooze on you so someone else doesn't use your time for their benefit.
Time indeed is money and we must spend it wisely. Time waits cannot be retrieved like money.
Thanks for reading, stay safe and awesome!