Think new and stay away from the old fights.

in OCD5 years ago

"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new."- Socrates.


Focus your energy on creating the new and not on fighting the old.
The new takes wings from where the old ends and when the old is left to stay old, we get into the sphere of being a creator of something new.


The new can be hard to get into because the old always seems to be like the new for a man because we get really comfortable in our comfort zones.

Man fears change and will do whatever he can to not be taken away from the familiar he is and has been used to.
Embrace change from the perspective of going into the new and never giving it a thought to fight for the old because it is the "old" and will remain that way.

The old isn't exactly useless, it is a fountain of knowledge from where we can draw strength from to tackle the new we have no idea about or how to tackle.
Think new and you will be able to build a strategy to win while taking a cue from the old.

Make the world a better place for someone today!


Hello that's right, to change you have to focus on the new and forget the old.

If we don't like our bad habits the best thing is to create new ones and forget the old ones.

Nice post, I love the image. @ejemai

Thanks. The new will always first seem and feel different, hard and impossible, but following through with the whole idea of not staying down when beaten serves a win.

You must desire it to crave it and when you crave it, your desire must never be tamed if you want to stand on the platters with the glitters.

Stay Awesome!

Yes you right, mate.

"The journey of thousands of miles begins with one step." - Lao Tzu

Your life is like a long journey for a human. Life has the purpose that you want. Achieving these goals must be accompanied by effort or hard work. Sometimes the effort required requires that you sacrifice a number of things. At first glance it does look heavy, but you will get used to live it. Only one initial step to achieve your dreams: start moving from your comfort zone and work for the things you dream of.

At first glance it does look heavy, but you will get used to live it.

This is what scares many away from pursuing their dreams. Thought of failing due the size of what lies ahead is the number one undoing of man.

Do not worry about what seems impossible, worry about the hooks that lay waiting for you to cling to.

Stay Awesome!