You don't get there by "thinking it".

in OCD5 years ago

"I didn't get to where I am by thinking about it or dreaming about it. I got there by doing it."- Estee Lauder.working1024382__480.webp

Thinking about being great or successful will never amount to the reality of that thought. You have to get to work and get your hands soiled to achieve that goal.


The men who get down to do the work mostly get the results of their desires.

It is a good thing to think about being successful and it really is nice to dream about living the fabulous life, but the sad thing is that, those successes are only possible in a world filled with foggy and misty visions.

You must step out from thinking and dreaming to getting the job done if you want to taste success.

Make the world a better place for someone today!


My wrestling coach always said "you need to be comfortable with being uncomfortable". Even things like making my shower cold for 10 minutes a day helps with my tolerance for frustration and anxiety.