I am super excited that for every time there is a seeming scarcity in a nation, there is always a way out of it. Westernization to be honest is a major problem for Africa and hence the reason why we are wallowing in so much poverty and off course being seen as animals by the outside world.
Due to my research, I have come to realize that an average Nigerian lives less than a hundred dollar weekly and The poverty line is currently 137,430 naira per person per year.
In the past few days, I have come to understand in full what Solomon King of Israel meant when he said in his proverbial writing "that a little sleep a little slumber and poverty will sweep the whole place"
In a setting were the government make you believe that if you don't go to school you are done for and the same time make deliberate efforts that there are no jobs available for these graduate only to wake up one morning to tell us on the news that we should go and vote for our future. So I decided to take the bull by the horn and get the hail back to work.
Farming has been Africa's pride whether they like it or yes. the dignity and prestige of Africa will be restored the moment we stop seeing the western world as our only hope of survival and start living up to our responsibilities by deploying all the modalities we have and get back to the farm.
Little wonder why most successful men never get tired in their pursuit in life. For this past days I have experienced a bit of a hard time because I was a bit lazy with my engagement here.
Before civilization Africa was known for agriculture and other earth related activities. Now the concept of civilization as good as it is has not just brought to birth wealthy people but it has also caused so much menace in the society.
I woke up at exactly 5am cause mum made it a duty to make sure that I was up early. Besides she calling, I needed to wake early to clean up my system and after that I went straight up into the farm to plant my three leaf yam.
Mum was really complaining about it that the other ones that she had planted were already grown and I needed to assist her do the remaining.
First I digged ditches to bury my three leaf yam or sweet yam.
Home garden is a very good thing and every family must strive to own one. Rainy days will always come and at those days, your home garden would really be helpful in sustaining the family.
A little advice for everyone that has a home garden please always make sure you keep nylons off your garden because they don't decay but rather they up struct you plants from putting it root deep into the ground and those kinds of plant don't survive long but even if they do, the don't produce much.
I had to take out time to select all the nylon from the ground before I even thought of putting the yam head to the ground.
You remember that until a corn of wheat falls to the ground and die, it abided alone. The force of productivity is in death. So that's how I buried my three leaf yam into the ground and covered it, expecting a yield soon.
The last thing a farmer will always lost is hope because no matter the season, they always have this positive mind that there will always be something to harvest in end.
Thank you for reading through my diary today.